Public schools
Fuddy-Duddy Functionaries Are Determined to Make Graduation As Joyless As Possible
School officials drag dancing graduates off stage and threaten cheering relatives with fines.
Stossel: Betsy DeVos Responds to Her Critics
Trump's secretary of education says she's "undeterred."
Teacher on Leave After Questioning Whether School Would Let Pro-Life Students Walk Out, Too
"Would that be allowed by the administration?"
The National School Walkout Reveals What Students Really Want: Safe Spaces
"It's about keeping people safe."
A High School Student Faces Expulsion for Noticing the Square Root Symbol Looks Like a Gun
No adults seem embarrassed by this reaction. They should be.
D.C. Public School Chief Resigns After Sneaking His Kids Into Top School
Top public school officials will risk their careers to have school choice. Maybe they should let everyone else have it too.
Calling the Cops Every Time a Student Seems Sad, Angry, or Lonely Isn't Going to Stop Mass Shootings
Nor will throwing money at the problem.
If a School Cop Threatens Your 13-Year-Old with Child Porn Charges for Sexting, Get a Lawyer
Families should never consent to have school resource officers search kids' phones.
New Mexico Considers Forcing High-School Students into State-Approved Post-Graduation Plans
Want to go straight into the job market? No diploma for you.
Stossel: Saving Kids From Government Schools
Success Academy's Eva Moskowitz has demonstrated that more choice in education yields incredible outcomes.
Chicago Public Schools Execs Lied, Altered Records to Cover Up Wrongdoing
The school system's CEO and general counsel have both resigned over the scandal.
D.C. Miracle Turnaround School Exposed as a Fraud
A investigation released today shows how Ballou High School graduated a whole class of seniors despite rampant absenteeism and failing test scores.
Mom Faces Wiretapping Charges for Trying to Protect Child from School Bullies
Administrators didn't respond, so she turned to a recording device to get evidence. Now she faces jail.
Fuzzy Math Infects the Governor's Race
School spending should focus on results, not just how much is spent.
The Junk Science Behind 'Smarter Lunchrooms'
A federal program to help public-school students eat healthier is based on highly problematic-and perhaps fraudulent-research.
Parent 'Trigger' Win in California Shines Light on Dysfunctional Public School System
Anaheim school district resisted effort tooth and nail.
Teachers Union President Thinks You're a Racist if You Yank Your Kids from Their Crappy Schools
Tell it to all the minority children in charter schools across the country.
Chicago Schools to Students: Submit to Our Choices for Your Futures or No Diploma
Seniors must choose from a list of acceptable post-school plans, or they won't graduate.
Why Government Schools Fail
A new PBS series, School Inc. by Cato's Andrew Coulson explores why American schools don't improve.