Did Ben Carson Really Say the Second Amendment Is 'More Sacred' Than Murder Victims' Blood?
The New York Times, in a not-so-subtle slam against gun rights, says he did.
The New York Times, in a not-so-subtle slam against gun rights, says he did.
Like the president, the presumptive Democratic nominee assumes we can identify mass shooters before they strike.
What happened to gun control from 2000 to 2012? Funny you should ask...
Talking about mass shootings, the president cited data on suicides.
What The New Yorker gets wrong about guns and the Constitution.
Increasingly sophisticated homemade guns are so entrenched cops fear their use by organized crime, so now let's fret over desktop weapons of mass destruction.
More background checks, more assault weapon bans, more suits against gun makers and sellers, and expanding group of people to whom gun ownership bans apply.
School is supposed to teach kids to think critically. Instead, they encounter instead a system that is arbitrary, harsh, and ineffective at teaching.
How would the government enforce a limit on the number of firearms people may possess?
Their profile is shared by many people who never kill anyone.
The only defender guaranteed to be present at any attack against you is you.
Last week President Obama asked us to compare terrorism to gun violence. Maybe we should.
Obama's talk of common-sense gun safety laws don't seem to apply to this tragedy.
Wants less shouting, more good policy.
Any attempt to stop would-be murderers from buying guns is bound to be overinclusive, underinclusive, or both.
How can we know simple gun safety laws would help when we know nothing about circumstances of how the killer got the gun?
In Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
The answer, like the frequency of youth gun carrying, may vary from state to state.
The most popular gun-control proposals would have little effect, while the most effective measures would be immensely unpopular.
During the Miss America contest, the contestant said no to banning "military-style assault weapons."
Do less than 1 percent of crime victims defend themselves with firearms?
State AG just got the authority to investigate such shootings last month.
At stake: Possessing a firearm during a "crime of violence" adds five extra years to a felony sentence.
National Journal reads too much into a correlation.
A thriving and unbeatable black market makes weapons available no matter what officials intend.
"I've been a human powder keg for a while....just waiting to go BOOM," said Flanagan.
The New York Times thinks so.
Very few people are victims of workplace homicide-and the ones who are are mostly men.
"Stronger mental health screenings for prospective gun owners" would strip many harmless people of their Second Amendment rights.
But people with an "interest in eluding law enforcement" might not.
"We're going to demonstrate to the world that black people have the same rights as white people."
Chuck Schumer and Amy Schumer employ the same old anti-gun rhetoric.
A novel fellowship program seems to be reducing crime.
In New York City, you can't even wield a fake gun on TV... unless you're making anti-gun propaganda.
According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll
One criminologist's reaction: "This report should calm the fears that many people have that these numbers are out of control."
"Something has to be done" is generally an indicator of a bad, reactionary policy.
Under current law, the Louisiana theater shooter was properly cleared.
Wanting tougher immigration law to prevent possible crimes is like wanting tougher gun laws to prevent possible crimes.
And a federal court continues to violate handgun sellers' First Amendment rights in California
Man who opened fire in crowded theater fails with insanity-plea defense.
What Sanders' third-party home had to say about guns in 1972
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