Ronald Bailey at Virginia Festival of the Book - Tomorrow March 18
Talking about "environmental thought" with Jedediah Purdy and Jonathan Cannon
Lawmakers Vote to Make Airbnb Legal in Virginia…For Now
The commonwealth sets standards for Airbnb but slaps on an expiration date.
Will Texas' Use of 'Safety Regulations' to Close Abortion Clinics Be Declared Unconstitutional?
SCOTUS heard testimony last week.
Child Faces Criminal Charges After Using Weapon Emojis on Instagram
A message featuring gun, knife, and bomb emojis has landed a Virginia 12-year-old in trouble with police.
Virginia General Assembly Approves Guidelines for Fantasy Sports
Virginia is the first state to put fantasy sports legislation before a governor.
Strategic Anti-Trump Voting on Super Tuesday: For Whom To Vote?
Which of the lesser of four evils is most likely to stop Trump's nomination?
Virginia Bill Would Exempt Cops' Names, Positions from FOIA Requests
After The Virginian-Pilot requested the names of all police officers in the state to track problem cops.
Don't Put Right-to-Work in the Virginia Constitution
Right-to-work laws are a response to federal mandates, and don't belong in state constitutions.
Effort to Remove Outdated Adultery Law Fails in Virginia
The legislation of morality continues despite Virginia's outlier status.
Theft-by-Government Continues Through Eminent Domain
Governments ignoring the constitutional limitations to eminent domain.
Will Charter Schools Ever Get Off the Ground in Virginia?
Politicians doing their best to stop them.
To Reduce Inequality, Cut Red Tape
Regulatory and cultural capture means a government-induced upward redistribution of wealth.
At a Small Virginia School, Big Strides Forward
The Elijah House Academy as success story.
Consumers Need More Options, Not Fewer
Efforts in Virginia to outlaw payday lenders may salve consciences but they won't do anyone else any good.
In Virginia Firing Case, Principles Collide
St. Francis Home, an assisted-living facility, recently fired its director for being a gay man in a gay marriage.
Virginia Education Report's Mission Unaccomplished
Spending review became spending advocacy.
Richmond Strangles the Poor With Red Tape
Mayor says he wants to "promote economic parity and social justice," then sends code enforcers to evict the poor from their homes.
Stomping on Free Speech in Virginia
Local officials in Buchanan, and elsewhere, use regulations to shut their critics, and victims, up.
Federal Judge Rejects Attempt to Extend Discrimination Protection to Transgender Student
It's a case about public school bathrooms.
Government Incentives to Business Distort Free Market Forces
Policies like Virginia's new corporate welfare for a local brewery are three sheets to the wind.
2013 Fairfax Police Shooting of Unarmed Man With Hands Up Leading to New Training, Policies
The police's image has to improve, says a communications subcommittee charged with proposing reforms.
Arlington, Virginia, Seems to Think F-Bombs Are Actual Weapons
City increases fine for cursing in public.
How Virginia Lawmakers Are Harassing Short-Term Renters
The sharing economy faces big government obstacles.
How Virginia's Attorney General Puts the State Before the Citizenry
Why is Mark Herring carrying water for a state agency when he should be securing the rights of the people?
Richmond Cops Say Man They Shot Pointed Gun at Them; Cops Saw Him Making a 'Hand to Hand' Drug Deal
How much violence is limiting people's freedom to buy and sell drugs worth?
Virginia's Out of Control Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
It's time to rein in this abusive state agency.
Deaf Man Spent Six Weeks In Jail For a Crime He Didn't Commit; Sheriff's Office Say It's OK Because There Wasn't Any 'Intentional Discrimination'
But does it matter what the excuse is for keeping him in jail six weeks if it was wrong?
Virginia Delegates Overwhelmingly Approve Major Forfeiture Reform
The bill, now before the state Senate, requires a criminal conviction to complete a forfeiture.
Democrats Suddenly Discover the Virtues of Local Control
Virginia Democrats make an opportunistic case against charter schools.
Virginia State Legislator: "We found out that having a monopoly is really cool."
"Why do we want to give up a monopoly?"
SWAT Team Raids Poker Game in Virginia, Because It Could've Gotten Robbed
Games of chance where the house
How Government-Funded Stadiums and Museums Harm Taxpayers
A few lessons in crony capitalism from the state of Virginia.
States Move to Deregulate Homemade Food in 2015
Lawmakers target overregulation of small-scale milk, meat, and "cottage food" producers
Virginia's New Gun Control Proposals Won't Protect Public Safety
Most Second Amendment restrictions take rights away from people who don't commit crimes and never will.
How Urban Renewal Destroys Neighborhoods
What happens when central planners bulldoze communities and try to build better ones? Trampled property rights, dislocated families, wasted money, and failed development.