Hispanic-Owned Businesses in US Have Doubled over Decade
Nearly 3.2 million
The lure of revenues has distorted police priorities as money-hungry agencies think more about grabbing property than about fairly applying the law.
Allows existing businesses to veto newcomers
Refusing service is a right
Market economics remain a mystery for some
It should mandate profitability, too, to solve all problems
Calls the program a "bullet to the temple" in an overregulated economy
What do you mean your business model doesn't revolve around me?
Preventing them from self-insuring forces them into the pool
Accused of pushing businesses to pay for membership in order to get good ratings
No longer need special licenses for bowling alleys, flea markets and children's lemonade stands, among other things
"Certificate of Need" rules needlessly restrain competition in the health-care industry.
Reserve's behavior more protection for big business
Saved from the threat of getting where you want to go
How about requiring no licenses at all?
Apps, online services help lead to record restaurant sales
Looking to draw in customers in a difficult financial situation
Not the most commerce-friendly of White House residents
Government-subsidized loans not enough for them
Not every small business failure is due to the economy
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