House Democrats Revive Their Court-Packing Push
Adding progressive justices to the bench would eventually backfire.
Further Thoughts on the Dobbs Leak
There is much, much less in the leaked draft than meets the eye
Judge: Police Can't Blame a Bystander for a Cop Killing Another Cop
It was unconstitutional to charge Jenna Holm with manslaughter. But the state wanted to protect its own.
Federal Judges Failed to Recuse in Hundreds of Cases
A Wall Street Journal report shows that federal judges do not always recuse when cases implicate their financial holdings.
Judges Who Violate Due Process Rights For Personal Gain Just Got a Major Pass From This Federal Court
Judge Paul Bonin profited from making defendants wear ankle monitors. The victims can't sue.
Judge Don Willett on Supreme Stalemates
An interesting exploration of what happens when high courts are evenly divided.
COVID-19 Vaccination Should Not Be Legally Required for Parenthood
Only in extreme circumstances should a court come between a parent and their child.
Are There Too Many Dissents from Denial of En Banc Petitions?
A federal judge suggests that dissents from en banc denial make the courts seem too political. Others might think such dissents serve a useful purpose, including the flagging of important questions (and significant errors) for Supreme Court review.
Some Ohio Judges Are Mandating Vaccinations as a Condition of Probation. That's an Abuse of Power.
Threatening somebody with prison for refusing a shot is no way to end a pandemic.
They Served Their Sentences. Now They Want To Know When They Can Go Home.
Programs that keep sex offenders indefinitely confined face new challenges.
Judge Threatens to Jail North Carolina Town Officials for Seizing Man's Money, Refusing To Return It
A misdemeanor marijuana charge leads to an attempt to take $17,000.
Mother Has Son Tested for Covid-19, Gets Threatened with Contempt of Court
The latest from Geauga County Judge Timothy Grendell
What Should Have Happened at the Amy Coney Barrett Hearings
"This is probably not about persuading each other unless something really dramatic happens," said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R–S.C.)
How Big Can the Ninth Circuit Get?
The Judicial Conference is recommending additional judges for what is already the largest
What Sort of Justice Should You Want on the Other Side?
Noah Feldman explains why liberals should want someone like Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court
It's Official: Trump Nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court
If confirmed, she would cement a strong 6-3 conservative majority.
The Dead Can Vote (at least on the Massachusetts Supreme Court) - UPDATED
Chief Justice Ralph Gants may be dead, but that is not stopping him from authoring opinions.
Trump's Actual Record on Judges
A look at the numbers shows that both the President and his critics get it wrong.
Wrong But Not En Banc Worthy - D.C. Circuit Decision
Although some of the court's judges disagree with a recent NLRB-related decision, none sought en banc review.
Younger Judges Appear More Sympathetic to Executive Power
Further evidence the prospect of promotion may influence judicial decision-making
Wrong, But Not En Banc Worthy - 2020 Edition
Not every erroneous panel decision needs to be reversed by the full Circuit Court, but was Davenport v. MacLaren such a case?
Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Assorted Canards of Contemporary Legal Analysis: Redux
The Case Western Reserve Law Review has published Judge Barrett's 2019 Sumner Canary Memorial Lecture
Criminal Justice Divides the 'Conservative' Judiciary
Pundits often speak of the judiciary in terms of liberal or conservative judges issuing liberal or conservative opinions. The reality is far more complicated.
Meet the Philly Judge Standing in the Way of Efforts To Stop Coronavirus Spread in Jails
Judge Anne Marie Coyle has rejected every emergency attempt to reduce prison populations.
The BIA Is Behaving Badly (and Judge Easterbrook Is Not Amused)
In which the Board of Immigration Appeals decides it can ignore appellate court rulings and is nearly held in contempt.
Desperately Smearing Amy Coney Barrett
If you're looking for an accurate (let alone fair-minded) assessment of judicial records, Slate's not the place for you.
Why Is the Chief Justice of Ohio's Supreme Court Lobbying Against Sentencing Reforms?
Justice Maureen O'Connor has intervened repeatedly in the legislative process.
On the Timing of Judicial Decisions: The Case of Bowers v. Hardwick
Influencing when a decision is issued can affect the attention it receives.
Judge Willett's Change of Heart
Upon reconsideration, Judge Willett splits with his colleagues over whether Black Lives Matter activist can be liable for violent protests
Justice Story on Originalism and Judicial Independence
An old argument against "flexible and changeable interpretation."
Boston Judge Turns Stupid Straight Pride Parade Fighting Into Bizarre Constitutional Drama
An attempt by the district attorney to drop charges against nonviolent protesters was overruled.