Job Training Ideas in Obama's Budget: Fewer Occupational Licenses but More Credentials. Huh?
Proposals call for $15 million to eliminate unneeded state occupational licenses, but $500 million to develop new credentials and training program.
Proposals call for $15 million to eliminate unneeded state occupational licenses, but $500 million to develop new credentials and training program.
A wonderful new web portal for searching the old Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
Improving people's employment opportunities without giving the state a cut. What were you thinking?
While the Internet can be regulated, and information can be controlled, it can only be done on an increasingly small margin, and at an increasingly high cost.
"The priests, the pundits, the politicians and the generals" who create positive change.
Officials won't say if it has anything to do with Obamacare rollout
$35 billion in lost contracts from hesitant customers over next three years
U.S. high-tech companies are using the H-1B program to cripple their Indian competitors
Douglas C. Engelbart visualized computer networking and communication concepts all the way back in the 1950s
Can perform more than 30 quadrillion calculations per second
If you've got a million dollars, maybe they'll tell you about them
A retiree with a scanner builds one of the world's largest historic newspaper sites while tax-funded projects stall.
Faced federal charges for downloading academic journal records at MIT
Will allow for easy purchases and reservations, and also to track consumer data
Clever, if not nice, use of technology
Cutting-edge technology meets the right to keep and bear arms.
A review of The Half-Life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date by Samuel Arbesman.
Two labs offer ways to check to see if your system is infected
Will it result in some really boring achievements?
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