Eight Pilot Whales Found Dead off Fla. Coast
Additional whales missing
Supporters collected 1.1 million signatures
Another confrontation about texting before a movie
Lawyer says he was defending himself for shooting guy who threw popcorn at him
Victim was texting his daughter
Previous attempt halted amid flurry of lawsuits
Because someone wouldn't stop texting
Will go to trial over college band drum major's death
Sheriff's department warned they're giving her too much leeway to travel
Prosecutors say she's violating home detention, but defense says she had permission for trips
Went to rehab, admitted to relapse
In three months, less than 3 percent of tested recipients tested positive
When people choose to ignore warnings, it's not the state's responsibility
Named after Nathan B. Forrest, first Grand Wizard of the KKK
Republican Congressman pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine last month
Judge rejected school district's appeal
Student at University of North Florida challenged gun policy
64-year-old shot and killed by police
Asked for tax breaks from both states, will offer jobs in Florida to some Illinois-based employees
Father upset about impact on autistic son who cares for his
Nanny staters always keep trying
Freshman Congressman recently pleaded guilty to cocaine possession
Mack gave it up in his unsuccessful race for Senate
Couple was threatened with a fine almost a year ago
Vegetable gardens permitted with heavy regulation
The Republican freshman has pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine
Vacant House seat being filled
Check pockets before doing laundry, folks
12-year-old girl was charged with aggravated stalking
Must stay away from his girlfriend, guns and must wear an electronic monitor
Had to destroy theirs over threat of fines
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