Department of Justice
Senators Feinstein, Portman Want to Expand Wiretapping Authority to Combat Sex Trafficking
Another anti-sex trafficking bill from Sen. Dianne Feinstein that uses inflated fears about the issue to push unconstitutional expansions of federal law enforcement power
Questions for Loretta Lynch About the Role of Law Enforcement in Our Lives
It is time for a national debate, and the confirmation hearings on the nomination of Loretta Lynch to become attorney general can provide an excellent platform.
All in the Timing: DOJ Releases Thousands of Docs About 'Fast and Furious'
No doubt it's just a coincidence
DOJ, Albuquerque Agree to Police Reforms
Department rocked with all sorts of misconduct scandals and lots of shootings.
Government Agencies Use Their Power to Bolster Their Own Budgets
A northern California legal case involving state and federal efforts to secure a massive financial settlement from the state's largest land owner is rife with allegations of fraud, corruption, and official misconduct
Federal Prosecutors Break Rules, Wreck Lives, and Get Promoted
Washington's overlords protect their own.
DOJ to Halt Demand that Guilty Defendants Waive Right to Claim Bad Counsel
"Everyone in this country who faces criminal legal action deserves the opportunity to make decisions with the assistance of effective legal counsel," Eric Holder says.
This Is How the Feds Illegally Obtain Evidence of a Crime and Lie About It in Court
The NSA and Justice Department go after suspects in crimes unrelated to national security using an unlawful, deceptive practice called "parallel reconstruction."
How the NSA and Its Allies Tried to Stop the First Book-Length Exposé of the Agency
James Bamford's battles with the National Security Agency.
Eric Holder Announces Grant to Research Police Racial Profiling
Are there people who don't already know about it?
DOJ Invokes State Secrets in Private Defamation Suit
Target is an advocacy group calling for sanctions against Iran
DOJ Launching Program to Try to Stop Americans from Joining Groups Like ISIS
"Terrorism: Not Even Once"
Judge Grants New Life to 'Fast and Furious' Scandal
Orders Justice Department to hand over documents to Congress
Justice Dept. Reviewing Nationwide Police Tactics
On the assumption that this is a training issue and not a power issue, of course.
Secret Guidelines for Putting People on Terrorist Watchlist Revealed
They're scarily vague and broad.
Prosecutors Can Screw With Hackers Just for Saying 'Fuck Shit Up,' Warns Security Expert
Vaguely written laws give federal prosecutors the power to target hackers at will.
Feds Reanimate the Janet Reno–Era 'Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee'
A new focus on the home front
Tech Companies Increasingly Refusing to Keep Government Searches Secret
Big firms join Twitter in letting customers know about subpoenas