Free the Horse Masseuses!
Occupational licensing must go.
Obamacare's champions fear a ballot initiative could strangle Covered California with profiteering, delays, and too much bureaucracy.
Being antigovernment is the logical result of taking a close look at the state and its bloody works.
He now has explain when he feels legally entitled to kill you.
NIMBYs and newcomers threaten to regulate the Big Easy's music into extinction.
It's running at least a decade late and over a billion dollars short.
We could move about so much more freely if our lives weren't buried in government's junk.
Why do the people in charge of our security apparatus behave as though they can do whatever they want? Because no one has stopped them.
Edward Snowden isn't the first to expose a covert, unconstitutional war against the American people.
Can a quasi-judicial agency impose fines without first taking property owners to court?
A look back on its development over the last five years.
Government has no business dictating prices in the first place.
A comprehensive study confirms that free-market principles work outside Washington.
Republicans plan to use big government to protect limited government from immigrants.
It's funny because it's true. Wait ... that's awful, actually.
One cannot critique the surveillance state without critiquing the rest of the existing political apparatus.
Which one offers more hope and change right now, West Coast tech start-up culture or Washington political culture? The question answers itself.
A wise citizenry would take this episode as a warning about the dangers of ceding control over our lives to the government.
Unpack the assumption behind the stories about congressional productivity, and you find a bias toward statism: the notion that government action is inherently good, and that more government action is inherently better.
The year saw many Americans rally behind rebels, explicitly siding with them over the government, in opposition to the powers-that-be.
And their influence in the market is going to keep growing.
What if at every Thanksgiving liberty is weakened and the government is strengthened?
JFK and LBJ set out to prove how much the U.S. government could accomplish. They ended up proving how little extravagance can buy.
Why the failure of Obamacare should temper America's political ambitions.
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