Was the DACA Decision "Deliberately Designed for One Day and Case Only"?
Professor Zach Price on the Chief Justice Roberts' Decision in Dept. of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California
Professor Zach Price on the Chief Justice Roberts' Decision in Dept. of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California
The Introduction summarizes the book's argument and provides an outline of the chapters that follow.
The decision is only a temporary reprieve for DACA recipients, and still permits Trump or a future president to repeal the program if he is willing to pay the political price of doing so.
In what appears to be a quite narrow ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts holds that if Trump wants to get rid of DACA, he'll have to try again.
The first in a series of posts based on my book "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom"
Trump is caught in a trap of his own making.
Plus: The U.S. Supreme Court stops an execution at the last minute, a senator argues that you shouldn't get HBO GO for free, and more...
The ruling is yet another setback for the administration, though legal battles over sanctuary jurisdictions will continue.
It is now available for preorder, and will be delivered by June 23.
The event will include commentary by Prof. John McGinnis (Northwestern).
It is now up on his Balkinization blog.
Professor Balkin asked me many great questions in interview just published at his Balkinization blog.
In it I explain how to reform a federal law the Supreme Court has interpreted as giving the president nearly unlimited power to ban migrants from entering the United States.
In the age of coronavirus, they are a danger to the lives of people both inside them and outside.
Audio of podcasts with Vanderblit philosophy Prof. Robert Talisse, for the New Books Network, and University of Kentucky law Prof. Brian Frye's Ipse Dixit podcast series.
It was business as usual for federal prosecutors.
One of the internet's most prominent libertarian blogs ends its run. But many of the contributors will continue write elsewhere.
China's growing crackdown on Hong Kong has inspired calls for the West to allow Hong Kongers to migrate here. They should indeed be allowed to do so - and the same right should be extended to other victims of Chinese government oppression.
Amazon Prime Video's latest feature is a smartly made indie sci-fi film from an incredibly promising first-time director.
And it should keep taking Chinese college students too. Both strategies would be more damaging to China than the current plan of using sanctions.
The right's response to the coronavirus lockdowns brings out a longstanding American paradox.
The talk is sponsored by the Oxford Hayek Society and Students for Liberty UK. But anyone anywhere in the world can watch and ask questions - for free!
The video was produced by the Institute for Humane Studies, and goes over some key themes of the book.
This preposterous claim is front and center in a new PragerU video.
Videos of interviews by political commentator Amy Peikoff and immigration lawyer Nathan Brown.
The symposium, which includes a contribution from me, reviews important new books on secession by Timothy William Waters and Frank Buckley.
In "Operation Asian Touch," federal agents coerced suspected human-trafficking victims into sex acts. Local cops seized money and threw them in jail.
His mixed immigration record might be good for a Republican, but it's not exactly impressive for a Libertarian.
Is COVID-19 bringing the mythology of America as a nation of immigrants to an end? Q&A with The New York Times' Jia Lynn Yang
Center for Immigration Studies' Mark Krikorian debates George Mason University economist Bryan Caplan on immigration and coronavirus.
We've seen this before...
The Center for Immigration Studies' Mark Krikorian vs. George Mason University economist Bryan Caplan
The anti-prostitution pledge is unconstitutional when applied to U.S. nonprofits. But the feds say it's still OK to compel speech from these groups' foreign affiliates.
Forcibly collecting DNA samples from immigrants in detention is yet another horrifying form of mass surveillance
The latest in a long series of setbacks to the adminstration's efforts to pressure sanctuary jurisdictions by attaching conditions to federal grants.
Those claiming that the pandemic means Trump's restrictions are here to stay, regardless of the November elections, are being too pessimistic.
It will not protect American jobs or health during this pandemic.
Plus: New York legalizes Zoom weddings, federal labeling laws exacerbate grocery store shortages, and more...
It's available for preorder now, and will be delivered on April 23
Economic historian Phillip W. Magness on classical liberalism and abolition, Abraham Lincoln's contested legacy, and why history matters in contemporary politics.
Immigrants want to escape possible COVID-19 death trap, most having committed no violent crime.
We need to be careful, but we also need people to bring food from fields to our tables
Negative population growth back in 1919 was largely the result of the Spanish flu pandemic
Highly-skilled immigrants can contribute to the fight against coronavirus if we let them.
The ruling is in line with numerous other court decisions on the same subject, but conflicts with an anomalous recent ruling by the Second Circuit.
It's almost like Americans are paying for them, and like Trump doesn't actually believe in free trade.
Here's what public health experts are saying.
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