Public schools
This Teacher, Suffering from a Hoax Disease, Wants to Shut Off Wifi in Cali Schools
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity isn't a real thing
Tens of Thousands of New York Students Refuse Tests
Don't worry, they're "meaningless," says Governor Cuomo
Schools Treat Mild Misbehavior Like Capital Crime. It Has to Stop.
Won't someone please think of the children?
L.A. Schools Wasted Millions on a Failed iPad Initiative. Now They Want Their Money Back.
Not a lot of "learning" happening here.
What's Worse for This Teen's Health: Smoking an E-Cig, or Getting Tackled, Arrested, and Charged?
Watch the video and decide for yourself.
Student Who Pranked His Teacher Should Get Detention, Not Jail and a Felony
Miscreants, not criminals
Fifth Grader Suspended for 'Illegal' Filming of Teacher Who Bullied Student
The war on cameras opens up a battlespace in the classroom.
Boy Got a Haircut Like His Military Step-Brother, School Suspended Him
Why is it okay for public school officials to place totally unnecessary, soul-crushing restrictions on students?
This Kid Was Expelled and Charged for Bringing Pot to School, Even Though He Didn't
Zero tolerance: Virginia school officials stand by their wrongful expulsion of an 11-year-old boy.
LA School Officials Admit iPad Plan Was Unaffordable and Distracting
When you're spending other people's money...
Canadian Schools Are Strip-Searching Teens And That's Cool with the Government
Ah, the joy of government-run schooling.
Substitute Teacher Caught on Video Writing Crude Insult About a Student
Streamwood High School substitute has some explaining to do
How Public School Administrators Endanger Special-Needs Kids
When faced with the choice between protecting children or protecting the public school system, the system's lawyers chose to protect the system.
Meet Ann Legra: Exhibit 24,340 in the Case Against Current Teacher Tenure Rules
Would you still have a job if your performance were described as "unsatisfactory" for six straight years?
9-Year-Old Boy Suspended for Using Lord of the Rings Magic on Fellow Student
One ring to bring them all, and in the stupidity of zero tolerance bind them.
California Spending Big to Halt School Reform Lawsuit Backed by Republicans and the ACLU
The state is challenging, rather than resolve, a lawsuit brought by low-income students who say they are deprived of their right to a quality education.
Teacher Caught on Camera Putting 11-Year-Old in Chokehold; Suspended for Three Days, Five Months Later
A teacher put a child in a chokehold in DeKalb County, Georgia.
Report Rips Common Core for Imposing Standard Reading Requirements on Kindergarten Tots
Children learn different things, at different rates-if you are allowed to teach your kids at the pace and in the style that suits them.