GWU Student Suspended, Investigated for Anti-Jewish Hate Crime. Wait, What?
Is school not the right place to learn about the swastika's origins?
Is school not the right place to learn about the swastika's origins?
Footage includes protesters who did not consent to be recorded, admin says
Cue uncomfortable laughter
Lawsuit targets Columbia U., not Emma Sulkowicz
Sulkowicz made life a living hell for Nungesser
Fear of Muslims is irrational. So is fear of offending Muslims.
Matt Welch on the obstacles facing the First Amendment
Student government resolution opposes allowing the restaurant on campus.
Their crime? Bringing Christina Hoff Sommers to campus.
Anyone wondering why the media is still talking about this debacle should peruse Nicole Eramo's letter.
The appeal to safety is just the latest vehicle for shutting down debate on campus
Left-wing attitudes hurt the cause of individual justice.
The First Amendment: It matters.
Philosopher Colin McGinn on ideological witch hunts, the marginalization of academic philosophy, and the limits of human reason.
Bill would require schools to impose a minimum two year suspension on students found guilty of sexual assault.
The Title IX Inquisition infantilizes students and tramples the rights of the faculty.
In the wake of the Rolling Stone debacle, two experts examine the link between the drinking age, alcohol abuse, and campus violence.
Those who tell troubling stories are not always victims
The hysteria over "rape culture" is still alive and kicking.
The perpetrator was a liberal activist and decorated campus Muslim leader who said American Sniper promoted violence.
The botched story withheld key details about the magazine's reporting.
No one was fired from Rolling Stone. Not even Erdely.
Evidence of how extreme and irrational "rape culture" dogma has become
Holder argues Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies.
While money was one motivating factor, students also cited flexible scheduling and personal enjoyment as reasons for choosing sex work.
Campus censorship: It's not just for far-left social justice warriors (and never has been)
But shifting rape investigations from campus to cops riles many.
When you've lost Jezebel...
The line between microaggression and actual aggression.
Students asked to refrain from anxiety-triggering clapping, use jazz hands instead
No wonder students are equally scared of rapists and a discussion of rape culture! They have grown up under the mantra: Everything is dangerous.
Jackie was uncooperative, will not face charges for making false statements.
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