Police Abuse
Poll: Americans Want Congress to Vote on Military Force Before Midterms, Say an Ebola Outbreak Is Likely and Kids Should Be Required to Get Vaccinations
Reason-Rupe finds the public wants Congress to return to DC to vote on ISIS now and is split between raising taxes and cutting spending to pay for the latest war
Cop Cams May Just Empower the Surveillance State
Instead of curbing abuse, cop cams could be surveillance cameras with feet.
Must Conservatives Be Cop Lovers?
Rand Paul challenges fellow Republicans to rethink their reflexive support of law enforcement.
Welcome Back, SCOTUS: 3 Supreme Court Cases to Watch in October 2014
The high court prepares to tackle aggressive police tactics, religious liberty for prisoners, and occupational licensing abuse.
Florida Speed Trap Town Dissolving Police Force
State was investigating possible illegal ticket quotas
Florida Cop Fires Stun Gun at 62-Year-Old Bystander's Back
Police "done tased a lady for nothing"
'All Hell Broke Loose' After Ferguson Police Chief Joined Protesters
Police Chief Jackson's apology did not go over well.
South Carolina Cop Actually Charged in Unprovoked Shooting
Is the whole militarized police thing provoking pushback?