Can the Iran Protests Do Better Than Uprisings of the Past?
This time could really be different.
This time could really be different.
"Committing vandalism by soup to send a message about climate change may be 'expressive,' but attempting to destroy someone else's work of art crosses moral and legal boundaries."
An officer used an anonymous account to lash out at police protesters (and a Reason post). He was uncovered and fired.
The onerous sanctions regime carried out by the Trump and Biden administrations has done immeasurable harm in Iran.
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Plus: The editors engage in a full-throated denunciation of the CIA in response to a listener question.
Anti-royalists are facing fines and jail sentences for disrupting ceremonial events
Brittany Martin, who is pregnant, was sentenced to four years in prison after telling police they'd "better be ready to die for the blue. I'm ready to die for the black."
New housing construction for 1,100 UC Berkeley students and 125 homeless people was paused Wednesday in response to protests.
The terrible consequences of A.B. 5 keep coming.
After community outrage and the mayor saying he wasn't told about Timothy Loehmann's policing background, the officer withdrew his application.
Climate protesters who blocked an interstate outside D.C. likely cost a man his parole.
Reforms promised after Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 are not being followed by Los Angeles police.
A weird, messy protest reflects a weird, messy future.
The intruders created plenty of mayhem, but it was a farcical coup attempt doomed from the start.
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David Kopel at the National Firearms Law Seminar
Activist Fadi Elsalameen says U.S. aid doesn’t help Palestinians because of corruption. They need monetary freedom.
"If treating diapers like a luxury makes you mad, so should taxing them like a luxury," said Paltrow.
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DeRay Mckesson didn’t cause or encourage violence against police in Baton Rouge in 2016. The court says he can still be held responsible.
Protesters aren’t intimidated by Putin’s threat of imprisonment for dissent.
Honk Honk HODL raised more than $1 million of bitcoin for the Canadian truckers. About two-thirds of it got to them.
Disagreement over pandemic policy accelerates the slide toward authoritarianism in another country.
There’s no freedom if the state can separate us from our money.
The government controls on the traditional banking system also apply to custodial cryptocurrency services.
In an age of elite scorn, government mandates, a rotten economy—and powerful, decentralized communication tools—common people are pushing back.
Apparently the rule of law doesn’t matter if Justin Trudeau doesn’t like your peaceful protest.
COVID-19 policies eroded liberty and many people want it back.
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What Joe Rogan and Canadian truckers tell us about free speech.
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So much for education being a universal human right.
The jury rightly concluded that the prosecution failed to prove its case.
Did you think Kyle Rittenhouse's endorsement of Black Lives Matter was odd? Think of all the unusual stuff you've forgotten.
The trial became an upside-down microcosm for the polarized debates about the U.S. criminal justice system.
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