Gunmaking CAD Files Free To Spread Around the Internet, 9th Circuit Rules
States had been trying to stop the Feds from loosening their hold on certain software, but the Appeals Court says they don't have that power
States had been trying to stop the Feds from loosening their hold on certain software, but the Appeals Court says they don't have that power
Under current law, marijuana users who possess firearms are committing a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
New York, like several other states, limits public carrying of handguns to the favored few.
The Supreme Court will hear arguments next term in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett.
Montana's new law refusing to help enforce federal gun restrictions is similar to liberal "sanctuary cities'" refusal to assist in federal immigration enforcement. Both are protected by Constitution.
A new RAND analysis shows how difficult it is to answer basic questions about this rare variety of homicide.
"There's this growing gap between what's on paper and what is enforceable in law," says Kareem Shaya, the co-founder of Open Source Defense.
If you support the duty to retreat (before using deadly force), what do you think of the duty to "comply[] with a demand ... [to] abstain from performing an act"?
If small arms can’t defeat a modern military, why are the people of Myanmar so determined to fight for freedom?
But what exactly do these terms mean?
From protests to the coronavirus, it thinks it can protect you from anything.
Although police seized the perpetrator's shotgun when he was deemed suicidal, he was never identified as a potential murderer.
Both advocates and skeptics of the copycat theory recommend self-restraint by the news media.
A ban won’t stop mass shootings, but it will hinder self-defense.
Conservative state legislators are taking a page from the playbook of pro-immigration activists and the marijuana legalization movement.
The president is picking fights with much of the population and further dividing the country.
Plus: GOP gender policing in North Carolina, marijuana legalization mistakes, and more...
The president's unilateral restrictions are legally dubious and unlikely to "save lives."
A federal appeals court rejects a highly implausible redefinition of machine guns.
“It is not the role of the executive—particularly the unelected administrative state—to dictate” the terms of criminal law, said the 6th Circuit.
A long awaited decision in a challenge to the Trump Administration's "bump stock" ban tees up some interesting questions for the High Court's review.
The suggestion that the ordinance could have prevented Monday's mass shooting is utterly implausible.
This awful gun control talking point won’t go away.
Thirteen years after Heller, it's time for the Supreme Court to settle whether the Second Amendment applies outside the home.
According to the dissent, the appeals court "has decided that the Second Amendment does not mean what it says."
It is hard to see how an "assault weapon" ban or expanded background checks could have prevented this attack.
For possessing a gun while committing a crime—even when no one is killed—too many defendants are slammed with sentences decades or even centuries longer than justice demands.
As usual, the senator and her allies want to ban guns based on arbitrary distinctions.
One measure would require checks for nearly all firearm transfers, while the other would increase delays in completing sales.
Samuel Cummings built a global weapons empire in Washington, D.C.'s shadow.
The state's ban on "large-capacity magazines" is easy to justify, as long as you assume its benefits and ignore its costs.
The DIY firearms movement specifically evolved to put personal armaments beyond the reach of the government.
The policies he favors would arbitrarily limit Second Amendment rights and threaten the industry that makes it possible to exercise them.
Tech companies should have the same freedom to choose their customers.
Sheila Jackson Lee's sweeping licensing and registration scheme suggests what Democrats would do if they didn't have to worry about the Second Amendment.
There's a silver lining to partisan demagogues taking up peaceful entrepreneurship.
New gun owners are unlikely to embrace disarmament schemes from a government they distrust.
The same logic could apply when churches, synagogues, mosques, bookstores, gun stores, fur stores, and similar places are targeted by their enemies. We've filed an amicus brief before the Georgia Court of Appeals, in support of getting the verdict reversed.
"We certainly would not fault a trial judge's desire to ensure public safety. But judicial concern, understandable as it may be, does not confer judicial power."
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