Trump Claims Bombshell Interview With Him Is 'Fake News'
The president insists he "didn't criticize" British Prime Minister Theresa May, but audio from the interview suggests otherwise.
The president insists he "didn't criticize" British Prime Minister Theresa May, but audio from the interview suggests otherwise.
Plus, what they might be like in a post-Roe world
Lord Mayor Magid Magid wants Trump, whom he called a "spurting cesspit of hate," to stay away from Sheffield, England.
The very fact that Robinson got 13 months in jail was also initially illegal to report.
Having failed to thwart crime with gun bans, British officials now want to restrict what may be the most useful tool ever invented.
Court feels "menaced" by a pug.
Want to cut back on plastic marine waste? Focus on waste management systems, not drinking straws.
Mass surveillance is up and running on Britain's roads. Will ours be next?
A large new study out of the U.K. proves it.
As people worry about the net neutrality vote, public officials threaten our rights to free speech.
Nevertheless, officials want to see the law expanded.
Friday A/V Club: Pirate radio, then and now
What exactly does it mean to treat 'online' crimes the same as those committed in person?
Imperialism is not the highest stage of capitalism, as Karl Marx claimed.
What happens when you think privacy and speech are just tools of the enemy
You must submit your credit card number-for the safety of the children!
Assisted suicide, experimental medical treatments, and slippery slopes
The local government put "sustainability" ahead of safety.
Socialism and big government remain popular, particularly among young people.
An election May called to shore up her mandate diminished her influence instead.
Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn represent two illiberal choices.
All sorts of normal behavior are now triggering financial surveillance as banks try to comply with confused government policies on human trafficking.
British citizens are asking their government to "make it illegal for a company to require women to wear high heels at work."
The Snooper's Charter becomes law, allowing even more domestic surveillance.
Proposal seen as targeting whistleblowers and journalists.
Brexit is creating the opportunity for a lot of progress in the United Kingdom.
Lessons for the debate over Trump and Russia
Was wrong to oppose a ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
British 23-year-old Nicholas Crawshaw is subject to a civil "Sex Risk Order" after cops weren't content to let his trials-by-jury stand.
And then forces all suppliers to shut down.
Hillary Clinton still calls Libya "smart power at its best," even though it looks more like what President Obama called it earlier this year-a "shit show."
"In Russia, the legislation is compared to the USA Patriot Act."
Labor's Jeremy Corbyn faces leadership challenge
Reptiles, insects, shit flowing from the busted sewer of bad ideas-this is how the media elite views the minds and actions of Brexit voters.
At close yesterday the odds were 12-1 against leaving. Whoops.
Sterling down on the news.
Britain leaving the EU isn't a choice for isolationism, it's a chance to embrace the world.
Stay or go, however, the UK's own regulatory burdens won't go away.
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