The Military Seems Intent on Making Chelsea Manning's Life Even More Miserable
Suicide attempt in July may lead to more punishment, solitary confinement.
Suicide attempt in July may lead to more punishment, solitary confinement.
"Some people like to paint. Some people like to dance. Some people like to express themselves in an erotic way," says Sharron Cooks.
Anti-porn positions remain while free trade support takes a hit.
Make America ¯_(?)_/¯ Again.
Defense team can't get answers from military.
Estimates are highest for D.C. and Hawaii.
Yes they can now serve openly, but the regulations will be complicated.
Facing pressure from the NBA, the bill would create sex reassignment certificates.
Can't treat same-sex marriage licenses differently from heterosexual ones.
Policies awaited for months expected in days.
Oregon citizen convinces a judge to change sex to 'nonbinary.'
Pentagon announced planned changes last year but has gone silent.
Transgender boy demanded right to use men's room at school.
Measuring the number of LGBT Americans is a challenge.
Contradictory guidance on trans bathrooms and campus sexual harassment.
Gender is not as straightforward as some would like to depict.
Eleven sue the Departments of Justice and Education.
Will a requirement, by law, to refer to an individual as 'they,' hold up?
Nobody is helped by the government threatening prison over a debate.
Several nations within the union require sterilization before gender-change recognition.
Making trans kids more comfortable is a laudable outcome, but some concern is merited.
Possible threat of legal action?
If we're going to publicly fund medical treatments, why should there be an exception here?
Polls paint an ambiguous picture.
It's not enough to support transgender rights: one must also use the right pronouns, or risk being called a Nazi.
A decision forbidding gender stereotyping gets stretched by court rulings.
Learn from history and stop trying to use the law to hurt others.
Flush this claim in the nearest men's, women's, or family restroom - along with stories of pervs being drawn to Target like flies shit.
As a bonus, it also avoids the thorny issue of compelled speech.
The retailer is doing exactly what supporters of N.C.'s HB2 said they should do. Why are folks upset?
People are bombarded with misleading statistics about rape, child abductions, and sex trafficking. Should we blame them for being afraid?
Merriam-Webster added a slew of new gender-related terms to its lexicon, including transphobia, cisgender, and genderqueer.
Cultural changes can happen quite quickly.
The supposed advocate for smaller government sought $75 million from the state for his failed video game venture.
Doesn't subscribe to bathroom panic scenarios
Maybe this is the beginning of the end of the bathroom wars.
Anti-transgender law will cause problems, not solve them.
Attorney general challenging for the job will not defend new law.
Here's a radical idea to end bathroom panics: Don't let the government discriminate, and let businesses set their own policies.
Prison and jail policies "must allow for housing by gender identity when appropriate" say new federal guidelines.
Bathroom panic strikes again.
Fifty-six percent know someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns and only 44 percent always wear clothes designed for their gender.
Bill would have forbidden students from using facilities of opposite sex.
Not a surprise, especially on campuses.
Trans activist demands safe space from other people's blog images.
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