Hacking the Vote
Could Putin's army of internet trolls pick our next president?
Also most babies will be created using skin cells and the bioethics of radical life extension
Malice subs for Moynihan in the Michael slot on the world's greatest libertarianish podcast
1956's "Blood in the Water" match between Hungary and the Soviet Union brought war to the pool.
Matt Welch blasts Pat Buchanan on the Baltics, Michael Moynihan argues that presidential stupidity matters, and Kmele, bless his heart, tries to engage with BLMers in Lower Manhattan
The 2008 DNC was filled with confident vows about taming the Russian bear. So much for that.
Attempt at deflection sends a message that voter frustration is irrelevant.
"In Russia, the legislation is compared to the USA Patriot Act."
If you happen to be Moscow drop by tonight at the DI Telegraph Building on Tverskaya - can also watch live
Would-be oil cartelizers will fail in the long run
The rational "moderate" wants to overthrow Assad, wage a "massive" war against ISIS, punch Russia in the nose, green-light pre-emptive strikes against North Korea and maybe Iran, and give government access to your cell phone...but it's all good because he expanded Medicaid and isn't Donald Trump
What you need to know about the year's biggest international hotspots, revolutions, and brewing conflicts.
Russia accuses Turkey of being a primary recipient.
Paris Climate Change Conference
Sixth Dispatch: The claim that pledges from 180 countries cover 95 percent of emissions is seriously misleading.
Voice of America's Willis Conover got the Soviet Bloc jazzed up.
"ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror" co-author Michael Weiss on how Obama allowed a bad situation to get worse in Syria.
Debate answer exposes a revealing problem not just for the inexperienced candidate, but for the bellicose GOP
Rand Paul can balance the budget, he blames the Fed, he'll talk rather than start wars we can't afford, and generally seemed the most thoughtfully radical guy up there.
"ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror" co-author Michael Weiss on how Obama allowed a bad situation to get worse in Syria.
U.S. says it makes the conflict riskier
U.S. has no solutions for Russia's actions toward Ukraine, so instead it pursues some useless policies.
But cryptographic tech, like that the government wants to weaken, helps mitigate the risk to users.
By hacking the NSA computers. So says security analyst Bruce Schneier.
How technology is freeing both patients and physicians from the medical industrial complex
The Soviets, the cyberneticists, and the SNAFU Principle
Russia's intended nationally determined contribution by 2030 is ... nothing
Visiting the bridge where he was murdered.
How technology is freeing both patients and physicians from the medical industrial complex
Three madcap foreign policy claims by the GOP's resident super-outsider
President Obama: You can still do the right thing.
Thousands come out to protest.
"We've known, on our own skin, what police brutality feels like, and we can't be silent on this issue."
A ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed rebels is supposed to start on Sunday but that still seems a long way away.
Let's think more than twice about fighting Ukraine's battles.
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