Trump, Cruz Make Play for Paul Supporters, But Rand Says He's Not Going Anywhere
Republicans want to compete for libertarian votes.
Republicans want to compete for libertarian votes.
Trevor Noah finds Rand Paul refreshingly "sane."
The Kentucky senator offers a desperately needed alternative to the GOP's mindless militarism.
Latest poll has him at 4 percent among GOP voters.
Really smart people don't blame vaccinations for causing autism.
Republicans might not admit-or even understand-it, but they have finally given up on "dumb wars."
Matt Welch on the latest GOP slugfest.
On foreign policy and drug policy, he staked out distinct and forward-looking policies.
Ben Carson: Me too, but now it's totally different
Paul, Fiorina, Bush all support letting states make own choices.
Personal attacks fly during the CNN Republican debate
The Republican Party will never command the future unless it gives up its ridiculous nostalgia for its last great figure.
Glenn Beck, Rand Paul, and others with TP cred sure seem to think so
By refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, the Kentucky county clerk is not "exercising [her] religious liberty."
Challenge asserts that the IRS can't rifle through the bank information of Americans just because they live abroad
Guess which part of the answer gets the most attention?
While earlier this week Rand Paul told voters if they're eager for war they should look elsewhere.
But Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP field, with Ben Carson capturing second place.
Trump is no friend to private property owners.
Kentucky GOP switches from a primary to a caucus
Democratic candidates are endorsing—or paying lip service to—reform. What will happen in the GOP?
Fed policies disproportionately favor wealth.
SuperPACers, former staffers, hope for a tougher Paul who fights on foreign policy and civil liberties to stand out.
A year ago, Rand Paul was ascendant. Now, not so much. Is libertarianism dying on the GOP vine?
"Rand is the ONLY one in the race who is standing up for your Liberty, across the board," says former representative, presidential candidate.
Among the current presidential candidates, only Paul has advocated for fidelity to the Constitution.
His clash with Rand Paul reflects the clash between the GOP's authoritarian and libertarian tendencies.
Paul's effort to brand Trump a "fake conservative" earns angry Twitter tirade from "Trump," who has begun putting his own name in scare quotes.
The debate was neither a triumph nor a disaster for Paul.
Candidates at both of yesterday's debates tried to highlight the 9/11 connections in their personal histories.
But Trump should know America loses when it lets its fears get the best of it.
Many conservatives agree with Rand Paul that NSA spying violates civil liberties.
Paul can't win over neocons, but is he losing libertarians?
To many libertarians, the battle of ideas trumps the battle for office.
The Trump factor, pot legalization, immigration arguments, Rand Paul's stand-out moment, and more.
Paul must be himself, be ready for attacks, be substantive, be libertarian, but shouldn't try to make any explosive gestures.
Jesse Benton, John Tate (now running a Rand Paul SuperPAC) charged with "knowingly caus[ing] the concealing, covering up" of campaign finance records.
The drug war dove becomes the GOP's leading immigration war hawk violating his own commitment to civil liberties
Numbers this far out mean little under the best of circumstances. And these are not the best of circumstances.
He wants to protect civil liberties from the drug war but not the immigration war
Rand Paul's campaign still has at least six months to continue being declared over.
Also in Paul money news: Behind in big bucks, Paul likely won't attend big weekend meeting of Koch-associated funders
This is what happens when you politicize infrastructure, instead of letting users pay for it
Also: Paul's SuperPAC lags, and quotes Khamenei out of context to Kerry to make Iran nuke deal sound worse.
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