Interview with Rand Paul: 'I Can't Support Anybody to Be Our Secretary of State Who Didn't Learn the Lesson of Iraq'
For the libertarian-leaning senator, just about anybody would be better than John Bolton or Rudy Giuliani.
For the libertarian-leaning senator, just about anybody would be better than John Bolton or Rudy Giuliani.
Senator declares: "President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on changing our disastrous foreign policy. To appoint John Bolton would be a major first step toward breaking that promise."
Non-interventionism needs a voice in 2017 and beyond.
At the same time Democrats were advised to "elevate" Donald Trump.
How a 229-year-old document disrupted both major-party conventions
Former GOP candidate keeping a low profile in presidential commentary, but certainly understands why a limited-government voter may choose the Libertarian Party nominee
Libertarian leader skipped the GOP convention in order to perform pro-bono surgery on needy patients.
Two bills to restrict "terror watchlist" people from getting guns, two to strengthen federal background check system in general, all fail to garner needed 60 votes in Senate. Sen. Rand Paul angers some Second Amendment activists by voting for one of the terror suspect bills.
Libertarian-ish senator plans to introduce "The Muhammad Ali Voluntary Service Act" and force Congress to vote on Authorization of Use of Military Force.
The House, meanwhile, voted to extend it to women.
A conversation with the activist who finds some common ground with libertarianism but diverges sharply on other issues.
Plans to propose requirement for new military authorization to fight ISIS.
Here's a short tutorial on everything that's wrong with interventionists' rationale for war and more war.
Download malware? The feds may use that as an excuse to infiltrate your computer as well.
79-year-old senator wants you to know he feels very bad about the presidential candidate he made possible, yet still won't join Neocons 4 Hillary because he has to win another re-election
'I've always said I will endorse the nominee," said Rand Paul.
From calling bullshit on Saudi Arabia and GOP convention rules to pushing for economic freedom zones, the libertarianish senator is fighting the good fight.
Three senators offer models for the future.
The libertarian-leaning pundit despairs of Trump's rise in conversation with Nick Gillespie & Matt Welch.
Western Publishing Association recognizes achievement in website, feature article, interview/profile, signed editorial, Web article, and video.
Come see Matt Welch, David Boaz, Conor Friedersdorf, and Ramesh Ponnuru March 16 at 6 p.m. ET
Playlist reflects some of her character traits and policy record
And can you accurately chart the GOP's foreign policy future without dealing with Trump?
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz vs. Rand Paul, Justin Amash, and Thomas Massie.
Republican control of both houses poisons the atmosphere in D.C.
At "coachella for conservatives," Republican college students were "still Randing," feeling the "Marcomentum," and pledging #NeverTrump.
Can Ted Cruz promise to bust the budget over military spending and still appeal to former Paul supporters?
The candidate seeded a generation of liberty-minded young people.
The Kentucky senator encouraged his fellow Republicans to be more consistently skeptical of big government.
Under-30s dig both socialism and libertarianism more than the average American does. What does that mean?
Ted Cruz is courting disappointed Rand Paul voters, but Trump's anti-defense posture may win them over.
Marijuana federalists lead the GOP race, while the most pugilistic prohibitionist is stuck in single digits.
Not enough like Ron? Not the right time? Or impossible to succeed at any rate?
Or will followers of the libertarian-ish senator sit out the rest of the 2016 election?
Chris Christie, the most pugilistic prohibitionist in the race, remains stuck in single digits.
Libertarianism has died more times than Abe Vigoda. But unlike good old Fish, libertarianism is still alive and kicking.
Paul never found a way to tap into visceral anti-establishmentarianism, Matt Welch argues at CNN
Disaffected millennials were supposed to stand with Rand. What happened?
His presidential campaign is over, but his political achievements are just beginning.
Paul challenged the reigning legal orthodoxies on both the left and the right.
He will, though, endorse the eventual GOP nominee. Which may be symbolic of why he didn't seem to catch all the Ron Paul fire. Trump, Bernie, ISIS also might bear some of the blame.
The Iowa caucus winner recently backtracked on justice reform, Snowden.
Paul promises to continue working on signature issues.
Divided government means constant conflict over budgets and debt. Unity? Not so much.
The libertarian-ish senator says his failed bid ignited "brushfires of liberty."
He has more appeal to the young, to independents, and to those who worry most about government spending. But not enough appeal in any category.
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