Remembering Manny Klausner
Bob Poole recalls his Reason Foundation co-founder, a brilliant bon vivant.
Bob Poole recalls his Reason Foundation co-founder, a brilliant bon vivant.
The co-founder of Reason Foundation and former editor of Reason fought for liberty in his legal practice and policy advocacy.
Hackman's performance as "Little Bill" Daggett in Unforgiven is an unflinching portrayal of how far the state will go to protect its corrupt monopoly on violence.
The libertarian case for the late Jimmy Carter.
The late U.S. diplomat helped form America’s policies towards Iran, Iraq, and Israel. By the end of his life, he'd had enough.
Scott wrote about the ways people resist authority—and the unmapped territories where much of that resistance takes place.
The longtime Cato Institute executive vice president was one of his era's most effective explainers of libertarianism.
The far-traveling smuggler turned breeder "never gave up" on his dream of recovering neglected marijuana strains.
Buffett realized that what the consumer thought of him was ultimately more important than what he was.
Larkin, 74, took his own life on Monday, just a little over a week before he was slated to stand trial for his role in running the web-classifieds platform Backpage.
The Pentagon Papers leaker risked prison to reveal that American military officials were lying to Congress and the public about Vietnam. He died today at age 92.
Farewell to the senator's son who pioneered a TV genre, helped create the Christian right, ran for president, and earned the grudging respect of Abbie Hoffman
He didn't pay much, we fought a lot, and he was one of the best bosses I ever had.
RIP to a prolific and colorful Reason contributor and author.
The Norwegian government euthanized Freya the walrus on Sunday, citing safety concerns for the crowds that gathered to watch her sunbathe.
McCullough didn't just build on academic historians' work—he filled a gap they left.
There is telling people how to live, and there is maximizing people's ability to live the lives they want.
In the infamous Ruby Ridge standoff, federal agents killed his wife and son.
The former secretary of state died today at the age of 84 after a long and complicated career in U.S. foreign policy.
"Libertarianism isn't political...It's anti-political, really. It wants to take things out of the political arena."
"At the core of libertarianism is the idea that people are assets."
Plus: RIP to sex entrepreneur Phil Harvey, Elon Musk says Congress should can Biden's spending plan, and more....
Harvey, who died last week, dedicated his life to supporting human pleasure along with the power to manage it responsibly.
Upon his passing, it's worth remembering how badly things can go when a man has such great power, even a man with elements of conventional decency.
A heterodox hero and committed antiwar activist, Gravel put the Pentagon Papers in the public record.
The software entrepreneur, Libertarian presidential hopeful, and international man of mystery had just been ordered extradited to the U.S. from Spain on charges of tax evasion when he was found dead by hanging.
Friday A/V Club: How a Watergate burglar spent the '80s
"In the drafting, we were adamant that you didn't have to have an interest to have access. You could just be a citizen."
He was no libertarian, but he absorbed an important lesson about regulating speech.
Abrasive, tasteless, and uncompromising, Flynt undoubtedly made the world safer for speech of all varieties.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
"I just do my own thing," said the George Mason University economist and author of The State Against Blacks.
The self-described "crazy-ass man" and libertarian economist focused on government's role in perpetuating racial inequality.
We don't normally talk about how rock's late, great lead guitarist was an immigrant success story and inspiration to early hip hop, but that's only because he (and America!) were too busy getting rad.
What's next for SCOTUS?
Hamill’s city was exactly what the likes of Robert Moses were trying to control when they imposed a top-down technocratic regime on New York in the middle third of the 20th century.
His political claim to fame was his "9-9-9" tax plan.
The American University professor called for "drug peace" at a time when both major parties were committed to ever-escalating violence.
John Lewis' life was a testament to the power of free speech and peaceful agitation.
For half a century, Grinspoon tirelessly advocated a more rational and tolerant approach to marijuana and other psychoactive substances.
Little Richard helped make the United States a little more black, a little more queer, and a little more free.
Clayton Christensen, father of the theory of "disruptive innovation," predicted that half of high school classes would be delivered online by 2018. What went wrong?
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