Trump's Wrong on Trade With Germany and a Liability to the Anti-NATO Argument
Both Trump and his mainstream critics are wrong about NATO.
The Glorious End of U.S. Global Supremacy [Reason Podcast]
Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and Matt Welch talk body slamming reporters, Trump's big trip, the TSA vs. laptops, and more.
Europeans Taking Their Fate in Their Own Hands? Quelle Catastrophe!
Donald Trump blunders his way into a healthy trans-Atlantic development.
Trump Tries to Make NATO Spending Demand Stick
But he's diminished the strength of that demand since taking office.
Should We Even Care About Trump Scandals and Russia? Michael Moynihan and Thad Russell Duke it Out on The Fifth Column
Seditionists quarrel over rumormongering, leaks, abuse of power, deportations, and NATO.
Trump's Congratulatory Call to Erdogan Is Bad; His and NATO's Lack of Urgency on Turkey's Authoritarianism Is Even Worse
It's past time for NATO to reconsider Turkey's membership.
Donald Trump Is Such a Skeptic of NATO He Just Approved Montenegro Joining the Alliance
Trump embraces USA as world policeman.
Trump's Purported 300 Billion Euro NATO 'Bill' to Germany a Horrible Sign for Reform
White House denies the report but Trump's position that Germany "owes" the U.S. and the proposed massive increase in military spending don't bode well either.
Trump's Military Budget Is Not NATO's Fault
Trump leaves the impression that Americans shoulder an unnecessarily large military burden because some NATO members underfund their military establishments. But that's nonsense.
Concern Over Tillerson Skipping NATO Meeting Misplaced
The secretary of state is staying in the U.S. to be at President Trump's meeting with China President Xi Jinping.
John McCain Makes Heinously False Charge That Rand Paul 'is now working for Vladimir Putin'
Apparently, opposing Montenegro's inclusion in NATO is the new treason.
EU Doesn't Want to Pay Fair Share for NATO
EU Commission president says foreign aid is security spending-nice try.
Mattis Tells NATO to Pay Up or U.S. Will Pull Back—Why Not Both?
Mattis meets with defense chiefs in Brussels.
Europe vs. Trump
European parliamentary leaders want rebuke of nomination they believe Trump will make for ambassador to the EU
Does Trump's Commitment to NATO Preclude Rethinking Relationships?
Based on everything seen on the campaign trail, no it doesn't.
Kmele Foster Gets Menaced by Black Lives Matter Protesters: Your Latest Fifth Column
Matt Welch blasts Pat Buchanan on the Baltics, Michael Moynihan argues that presidential stupidity matters, and Kmele, bless his heart, tries to engage with BLMers in Lower Manhattan
Trump Is Wrong About NATO
Trump can't let himself acknowledge that our problem is not American weakness but American strength.
Wake Up, Trump-Hugging Peaceniks: Trump's Tony Soprano Trade Policy Means More War
Being against NATO doesn't mean he's for peace.
America Would Be Richer and Safer If Europe Paid For Its Own Defense
Europe can afford to defend itself.
Turkey's Crackdown on Free Press Makes it Barely a Democracy Anymore
NATO ally aspires to join EU, but its government just violently seized the nation's largest newspaper.
America's Half-Measures Against Putin
U.S. has no solutions for Russia's actions toward Ukraine, so instead it pursues some useless policies.
Ben Carson: Put the Baltics in NATO! Beware the Sunni-Shia Alliance!
Three madcap foreign policy claims by the GOP's resident super-outsider
Rand Paul: Conservative Realist?
The Kentucky senator speaks about ISIS, the Middle East, and when America should go to war
Marines, NATO Troops Exit Southern Afghanistan
Military presence lessens, but, of course, we still have troops there.
NATO Condemns Crackdown on Pro-European Protests in Ukraine
Ukraine not a NATO member or threat
NATO, Russia Unveil Bomb Detection System for Crowds
Uses microwaves to detect molecular structures in moving crowds