Stop Expecting the Justice Department to Fix Your City's Abusive Fining and Policing Practices
Accountability starts at home.
Accountability starts at home.
A dispute with neighbor spurred a measure to crack down on smaller properties. But the town's large agricultural community fought back.
Property owners were ordered to pay thousands for violations unless they agreed to sell to a redeveloper.
No one is pettier than government.
A couple of busted windows can result in a bill for thousands-even tens of thousands-of dollars.
The city earns more than $2 million a year grabbing more than 1,800 vehicles.
The dreary New York Voter Guide is a festival of anti-Trump show-offery and a failure to recognize what the offices and jurisdictions entail.
The possibility of violent reactions should not be used to call for censorship.
Ballot initiatives may be permitted to ignore two-thirds vote rule. Prepare for corruption.
The latest setback for one of the most corrupt citation systems in the country
A review of the bureaucracy in the Virginia capital found what most people suspected, that City Hill stinks.
Madison won't be the first town to do this.
How municipal broadband drains local taxpayers
Meet Alderman Proco Joe Moreno, the petty tyrant of Chicago's First Ward who uses "aldermanic privilege" to do whatever he wants.
One resident will have to pay $8,500 to install a municipally mandated walkway.
They are now facing possible investigation by the city of Vian.
The cases of Hartford, Ct., Richmond, Va., and Gwinnett, Ga.
State still wants to keep cities from adding to antidiscrimination protections.
Oppressive municipal codes expose immigrants to potential deportation methods.
Charlestown can't seize the properties, so it's citing them to force them to sell.
People used to chase economic opportunity across the country. Then the government got in the way.
An Indian city's embrace of globalism, trade, and hypergrowth is a living response to the protectionist impulse sweeping America.
Elvis Summers crowdfunded $100,000 to build dozens of tiny homes. City officials looking to pass a $2 billion housing plan tried to shut him down.
Officials' goal is to encourage people to put their food waste in the compost bin.
Seattle city council seeks to micromanage workers' schedules.
Her story has a happy ending, but the regulations that nearly shut down her lemonade stand have serious consequences for other businesses.
A flood of local initiatives introduced in response to state vote.
Police union backing police chief the mayor is trying to demote.
2005 ordinance led to creation of the Chinese restaurant association.
The proposed amendment is a new addition to the Republican platform.
Young black males without a high school diploma are more likely to be incarcerated than employed.
Neighboring businesses don't want the competition.
Let's not ignore the ordinances and harassment of the poor that led to this.
The proposal would have blocked residents from renting out their entire home.
Government rules and regulations on the local and state level have driven prices up.
Towns in St. Louis County won't face tighter caps than the rest of the state.
Order has nothing to do with city's civil rights problems.
City that preyed on citizens to fund itself told to cough up even more money.
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