Trump Might Be an Authoritarian. But Are Democrats Any Better?
Reason TV asked DNC delegates about issues ranging from freedom of speech to trade to executive power, guns, and foreign policy.
Reason TV asked DNC delegates about issues ranging from freedom of speech to trade to executive power, guns, and foreign policy.
The omission is consistent with Hillary Clinton's disdain for the right to armed self-defense.
The one member of Congress who voted against military force after 9/11 supports career-long hawk Hillary Clinton.
Those boos you hear are coming from a very pissed off group of Golden State Bernie Sanders supporters, who aren't keen on voting for Clinton.
Sen. Bob Casey's empty gotcha on Donald Trump's business practices betray a lack of thought on trade issues.
Forget Hillary Clinton and forget the DNC, Citizens United was about free speech prevailing over government censorship.
Clinton, Trump, and Obama are all bad on deportation
In convention floor interviews with Reason, "Bernie or Bust" delegates call Clinton "untrustworthy" and are cagey about a possible DNC walk-out.
The 2008 DNC was filled with confident vows about taming the Russian bear. So much for that.
Protectionism is popular only with party elites, not regular Americans.
More evidence that both major political parties are in the midst of a meltdown.
Attempt at deflection sends a message that voter frustration is irrelevant.
Same song, different strongman
Unlike Donald Trump, the Democratic nominee's ideas are frighteningly clear
Reason TV talks to disgruntled voters at the #March4Bernie Rally the day before the DNC.
From clamping down on free speech to interventionist foreign policy to growing government, the Democratic nominee is way out of step.
Republican #NeverTrumpers won't back their party's nominee but will they support Gary Johnson?
Here's a quick guide to what Democrats and Republicans don't get about 20-year trends in violent crime and shootings.
Prepare for another round of 'The system is rigged.'
Trump whipped up fear about a world Clinton's policies have helped make more dangerous.
Is this the first post-reality campaign?
What's the difference between today's GOP & The Mistake on The Lake? The former leaves town later this week. Other than that, not much.
Cleveland is where the GOP as we know it is going to die.
Republican Presidential Nomination
Assembled over classical music and quinoa cups, a group of conservative allies aims to change the course of the presidential election. Or do they?
The Democratic nominee's problems with personal honesty are a feature of her personality, not a bug.
The spirit of Saul Alinsky may be heard (and smelled) in Philadelphia.
The Indiana guv is a social conservative, surveillance-state booster, drug warrior...and budget hawk. So where does that leave libertarians? Still #NeverTrump.
Got his minimum wage plank and Clinton's support for free college.
What comes "After the Bern?" A candidate with a high ACLU rating and aversion to starting foreign wars
Blacks and whites are talking past each other instead of connecting. Sadly, there's no reason to think anything will change soon.
All four presidential candidates say states should be free to legalize marijuana, but they differ on whether that's a good idea.
LP candidate defends safety net spending but calls for smaller government.
The former secretary of state may well be the second coming of George H.W. Bush: A time-server with no grasp of the future.
Watch Fox Business Network at 9 p.m. for a repeat of an hour-length libertarian critique of the Democratic nominee, including Matt Welch talking about Clinton's terrible free speech record.
All four say states should be free to legalize pot, but only two say that's a smart policy.
James Comey says justice demands proof of criminal intent, even when the law doesn't.
In the halls of power, how classified information is handled is ultimately less important than who's handling it.
Clinton vs. Trump the ultimate political race to the bottom.
FBI Director James Comey fails to understand that extreme recklessness is gross negligence.
A.G. Loretta Lynch accepts FBI recommendation.
Bernie Sanders likes it. Will taxpayers?
Prior to FBI Director Comey's statements, Gary Johnson did not want to be a "stone thrower" when it comes to Clinton and her email issues. Some Libertarians are peeved at a missed opportunity.
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