'This Is Not an Emergency'
How Florida prison officials let a man's prostate cancer progress until he was paralyzed and terminally ill.
How Florida prison officials let a man's prostate cancer progress until he was paralyzed and terminally ill.
Promoting impunity for violating rights as a policy tool? What could go wrong?
Civil forfeiture is a highly unaccountable practice. The justices have the opportunity to make it a bit less so.
The appeals court judge argued that the Israeli Supreme Court had usurped the role of legislators.
Presenters include Kermit Roosevelt (UPenn), Samantha Barbas (U. of Buffalo), Michael Mannheimer (Northern Kentucky Univ.), and myself.
The decision reverses a terrible previous decision by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Chief Justice John Roberts decisively rejected the independent state legislature theory.
Plus: A rundown of recent nonsensical proposals for constitutional amendments
California’s governor insists his “28th Amendment” would leave the right to arms “intact.”
Plus: Flaws in studies linking teen social media use to depression, debt ceiling deal passes Senate, and more...
Plus: Americans are increasingly changing religions, court pauses rejection of "free" preventative care mandate, and more...
He either doesn't understand or won't admit why this violates the First Amendment.
Baby Ninth Amendments, by Anthony Sanders
The legislation would give property owners "sole discretion" in deciding how many parking spaces they want to build.
The records confirm medical neglect in a federal women's prison that Reason first reported on in 2020.
Plus: DeSantis does better than Trump in swing-state poll, majority say abortion pill should remain available, and more...
If Congress wants to stave off such far-reaching demands, it should start behaving in ways that inspire more public confidence.
The CFPB funding scheme is constitutional, the 2nd Circuit says.
"I will not appear to condone the diminishment of any group at the expense of impertinent gestures toward another group for any reason, even when the law of the land appears to require it," he wrote.
The Constitution was intended to preserve state sovereignty, not create an all-powerful central government.
Understanding what’s at stake in United States v. Hansen
A new report details how plea bargaining can hurt defendants and warps the justice system.
Lawmakers should proactively retake the power of the purse from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, regardless of how the Supreme Court rules.
Just consider the policies that the Founding Fathers embraced.
Plus: Some State of the Union fact checking, a livestream discussion about gun rights and violence, and more...
Now a judge has cleared him of wrongdoing and struck down the rule used to justify the arrest.
"There is an obligation both to incarcerated persons and the taxpayers not to keep someone incarcerated for longer than they should be," a Louisiana district attorney said. "Timely release is not only a legal obligation, but arguably of equal importance, a moral obligation."
"I think, in principle, it's ridiculous to have to deal with this eminent domain bullshit on the grounds of the Alamo," says owner Vince Cantu.
"In short, the controlling motivations for the suspension were the interest in bringing down a reform prosecutor," the judge wrote.
The former Libertarian congressman was in the Capitol Wednesday drumming up a Hail Mary quest to become speaker of the House.
People in power lean on private businesses to impose authoritarian policies forbidden to the government.
The liberal justice seems ready to fight legal conservatives on their own ground.
An appeals court rejected a qualified immunity defense.
The city of Vallejo, California, has paid millions in recent years to settle excessive force lawsuits against its heavy-handed police force.
What power lets Congress exempt harassment allegations from NDAs?
Originalist scholar Larry Solum suggests KBJ could be the Left's Antonin Scalia.
Plus: Warnock wins, over-the-counter Narcan closer to reality, San Francisco backtracks on killer robots, and more...
Plus: The editors consider a listener question on the involuntary hospitalization of the mentally ill.
His call for the "termination" of the Constitution is the latest in a long line of dangerous efforts to legitimate the indefensible.
Civil liberties groups say Adams' plan violates constitutional rights protecting people with mental illness from being confined against their will simply for existing.
Congress should not forget that they can legislate in response to Supreme Court rulings.
The link between Bostock v. Clayton County and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina
Plus: A flawed study on marijuana risks, the collapsing publishing-house merger, and more...
Rethinking the constitutional defense of reproductive rights after Dobbs via the Ninth Amendment
Plus: Users surge on decentralized social media platform Mastodon, the fall of city drugstores, and more...
On Tuesday, voters in Alabama, Tennessee, Vermont, and Oregon approved ballot measures that removed exceptions to anti-slavery laws in their state's constitutions, effectively banning forced prison labor.
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