Reason Staff
Latest from Reason Staff
Intern at Reason in Summer 2017!
We're currently accepting applications for our Burton C. Gray journalism spot.
A Ringside Seat to the Debt Ceiling Fight
With our debt about to explode, the debt limit is more needed than ever. Congress needs to resist the calls to dispose of it.
The Year in Blame Shifting
How to dodge responsibility, whether you're a candidate or a cop.
Trump-Schumer Bromance Is Bad News
Schumer's accession may be good news for Trump,but whether it is good news for the country is another question.
Support Reason While You Shop!
An easy way to support Free Minds and Free Markets
A Republican Ban on Internet Gambling Would Repeat a Costly Democratic Mistake
Obvious cronyism vs. the 10th Amendment
An Election Day Talk With Gary Johnson on Facebook Live
The Libertarian presidential nominee joins Reason on Election Day to discuss the campaign and what to expect tonight.
Why Clinton Cash: The Graphic Novel Topped the Charts and Got Millennials' Attention
Comics artist Brett Smith (Avengers, Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy) says Hillary and Bill Clinton's corruption needs to be seen to be fully appreciated.
Intern at Reason—Deadline Tomorrow!
Last chance to apply for our spring journalism internship.
King Dork Speaks! Frank Portman on High School, Individualism, and the War on Free Speech
Sorry kids, life "doesn't get better" after high school, says best-selling novelist. You just get better at navigating it.
Deadline Approaching: Intern at Reason
Application closes November 1.
Instapundit Glenn Reynolds on his Twitter Suspension, Online Free Speech, & His Presidential Vote
Why cops get away with criminal behavior, how the Internet is getting boring, and why a Trump presidency isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Know Any Aspiring Libertarian Journalists? Send Them Our Way!
Reason is seeking a spring intern. Apply by November 1.
The European Union and the U.S. Both Want to Tax Apple
Anatomy of a multi-government shakedown
Intern at Reason Next Spring!
Accepting applications through November 1.
Hooray! Transhumanism Is Inevitable: New at Reason
A review of Beyond Human: How Cutting-Edge Science Is Extending Our Lives
Katherine Mangu-Ward & Virginia Postrel Talking Reason Mag Past, Present, Future!
Watch here or at Reason's Facebook page.
Hillary Clinton's Terrible Tax Plan
Clinton's refusal to reform the corporate income tax is stunning.
Vote for Reason at SXSW!
Help us get our panel proposals accepted at one of the world's largest tech conferences.
Life Expectancy Up Around the World
Great strides made since the 1960s
LIVE from the DNC in Philadelphia
Live from Philadelpha, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch give their concluding thoughts on Hillary Clinton's speech and #DNCinPHL
LIVE from the DNC in Philadelphia - Matt Kibbe
Live from Philadelpha, Reason talks with Matt Kibbe #DNCinPHL
LIVE from the DNC in Philadelphia - Michael Cohen
Live from Philadelpha, Reason talks with Michael Cohen #DNCinPHL
Gary Johnson: LIVE from the DNC in Philadelphia
Matt Welch & Nick Gillespie talk to the Libertarian candidate for president at #DNCinPHL
Reason Live from DNC - Nick Gillespie and William Weld
Today at noon ET, Reason's Nick Gillespie talks with William Weld.
Reason Live from DNC: Nick Gillespie, Matt Welch, Matthew Dowd
Tuesday at 7:30 pm ET.