Siccing Cops on Pregnant Drug Users Isn't Helping
Drug use during pregnancy should be treated like a medical issue, not a criminal justice issue.
Drug use during pregnancy should be treated like a medical issue, not a criminal justice issue.
Politicians and bureaucrats in legal states still struggle with the temptation to over-tax and over-regulate their legal marijuana markets.
Hint: The exact same way you should talk to them about booze, swearing, and scary movies.
By the court's logic, the ballot summaries for many successful legalization initiatives were "affirmatively misleading."
Social distancing made the production, distribution, and sale of cannabis more challenging. People stuck home alone also boosted demand for an industry dedicated to getting you high.
The best available evidence suggests fears about fetal risk, while not totally unwarranted, are often overblown.
Kristi Noem is determined to defy the will of her constituents. The South Dakota Supreme Court will decide whether she can.
Untested delta-8-THC products are gaining in popularity
For insomniacs and pain patients, CBD cocktails can be a better alternative to traditional ones.
2020 was nobody’s idea of a good year, but the ability to smoke pot in my own backyard, mostly free from fear of arrest, majorly redeemed it.
If states generally don't limit the potency of distilled spirits, why is such a safeguard necessary for a much less hazardous product?
Maybe this year it will pass the Senate too.
Defying authoritarian laws helps to preserve freedom and to undermine prohibitions.
Certain politicians and pundits are living in a 1930s fantasy world.
Federal law doesn't prohibit financial institutions from offering banking service to dispensaries and growers, but the added reporting requirements and threat of federal scrutiny keeps many banks away.
Democrats, now in control of both chambers of Congress, say they will push ahead with marijuana reform with or without the support of the White House.
Poll found that 78 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of Republicans, and 67 percent of independents favor legalization, as do majorities of every age demographic.
So many people are leaving the state that it will soon lose a congressional seat.
Three recently approved plans show what politicians have learned (or failed to learn) since Colorado became the first state to allow recreational use.
Joe Biden, meanwhile, supports continued national prohibition, maintaining an untenable conflict between state and federal laws.
The law is surprisingly permissive in some ways, but it includes high taxes and other provisions that hurt consumers.
Plus: Pharmacies are doing a better job of vaccinating than the government, New York will legalize weed, and more...
But forthcoming legislation in the Senate could force Biden's hand.
A compromise is now circulating that would establish a market but also allow growing at home.
New Mexico could be the 16th state to legalize pot, while Texas considers tinkering with its onerous penalties and Pennsylvania continues to arrest cannabis consumers.
Plus: FTC commissioner on antitrust action against Facebook, FIRE's Greg Lukianoff on the "marketplace of ideas" metaphor, and more...
Legalizing interstate sales and allowing outdoor growing would reduce the cannabis industry's energy consumption.
Uruguay legalized recreational marijuana in 2013, followed by Canada five years later. Two more countries will soon join their ranks.
Two studies published in November found that legalization has not been associated with increases in adolescent marijuana use or addiction.
After getting a ballot initiative voided, she says she’ll also resist legislators attempting to legalize marijuana.
Voters approved it, but the governor resisted. A court came down on her side.
If passed, the bill would allow for legal possession by July 1.
Some doable libertarian ideas for the new president
The new documentary hammers home the senselessness of the war on drugs.
No home cultivation? Increased criminal penalties? This is not the way to end a drug war.
Nationwide, marijuana arrests peaked at nearly 873,000 in 2007; the 2019 number was 37 percent lower.
The law bans mail delivery of vaping products and requires all vendors to comply with burdensome tax reporting rules.
Reason's writers and editors share their suggestions for what you should be buying your friends and family this year.
Protected financial access for politically targeted industries
Yes, taxes and regulation are bad. No, they're not worse than locking people up.
States where recreational use has been legalized now include about a third of the U.S. population.
The bill is unlikely to make headway in the Senate, but it could nudge President-elect Joe Biden toward more ambitious reforms.
Violators face fines of up to $1,000.
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