Uber Faces Backlash From the New Luddites
Americans have become so accustomed to regulations, we've ceased to see how freedom might operate.
Useful New Product Threatens Older Company's Market Share; Judge Issues Sales Ban
The continuing saga of the Typo Keyboard Case.
Is Skynet Inevitable?
Artificial intelligence and the possibility of human extinction
Policing Language Gives Ammunition to the Trolls
Don't make the world responsible for your emotional well-being unless you enjoy getting hurt.
Facebook Buys Crowdfunded Pioneering Virtual Game Company: Opportunity or Betrayal?
Regulations make it impossible for small backers to get a piece of the action.
Does It Actually Matter if U.S. 'Gives Up Control' of the Internet?
Worries about growing influence by oppressive countries and operational issues
Supreme Court To Rule on Cell Phone Privacy
Do cops need a warrant to search your cell phone when you're under arrest?
Police Departments Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements with Surveillance-Tech Manufacturer, Conceal Info from Courts and Press
The police state meets the corporate state.
Is U.S. Economic Stagnation Inevitable?
Economic doom through aging, ignorance, inequality, debt and technological stagnation.
'We're Creating Our Own Evolutionary Next Step'
Wired co-founder Louis Rossetto on the digital revolution and the death of the megastate.
Addicted to Brain Scans
The debate about sex addiction reflects a larger cultural confusion.