Young Americans Oppose Mandatory National Service, Military or Otherwise
That could be bad news for 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.
That could be bad news for 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.
No number of NATO summits will re-energize an alliance against an enemy that went out of business nearly 30 years ago.
Given Ukraine's dependence on Trump's good will, Volodymyr Zelenskiy's comments about quid pro quos should be viewed as aspirational rather than factual.
Pentagon brass, who urged the president not to issue these orders, fear that the president's actions will undermine the system of military justice.
Was rocketry pioneer Frank Malina written out of some histories of space exploration for his political sins?
The Reason Roundtable panelists ask: Why so many hawks in the anti-Trump clump?
Despite the failure, Pentagon officials are spinning the audit as a step in the right direction.
A new study shows that tariffs and other anti-trade policies actually benefit executives far more than the average worker.
The senator from Massachusetts thinks more Americans should join the military. Why?
At tonight's debate, Gabbard continued her laser-like focus on the need to end America's overseas wars.
Afghanistan taught us the risks of miring troops in entrenched domestic security problems.
Various states sued to stop the feds from allowing such gun-making files to circulate legally. Now, a federal judge says the decision to not prohibit them was "arbitrary and capricious."
The Jones Act isn't saving American shipbuilders, but it's driving up prices for Americans.
Promoters and detractors alike are not thinking through how unlikely it would be for Gabbard to seek and win the Green Party nomination, let alone come anywhere close to Jill Stein's totals from 2016.
WhatsApp (and owner Facebook) sues to protect users from malicious surveillance from officials.
He's wrong on both counts.
"Intervention after intervention hasn't had the intended consequence. We've got more chaos."
President Trump's foreign policy flies in the face of his rhetoric.
The Kentucky senator makes the case for less American military involvement abroad.
Plus: GMO fear is killing people, the suburbs are changing, and more...
The mishandling of the Syrian withdrawal appears to have created less stability in Syria and considerably weakened Trump's ability to dictate foreign policy—a situation where actually bringing the troops home now seems even more farfetched.
Defining terms is tricky, particularly when governments with bad track records on privacy want to call the shots.
The Reason Roundtable analyzes an establishment smear against a foreign policy heretic, and laments the bipartisan panic against online speech.
Plus: U.K. drops porn age-verification plans, Congress grills tech leaders again, D.C. to hear testimony on prostitution decriminalizion, and more...
"As president I will end these regime change wars."
Plus: Snowden warns about encryption threats, Libertarians fight for ballot access, and more...
Trust in the media is at historic lows.
Nah, the senator's still wrong about Internet free speech, argue the editors on the Reason Roundtable podcast.
They have been loyal U.S. allies and don't deserve to be slaughtered by Turkey.
If Trump wants credit for ending wars in the Middle East, he'll have to actually reduce the number of Americans deployed there.
Stossel's full interview with Tulsi Gabbard covering war, drugs, free healthcare, free college, the minimum wage, and more.
Plus: The Kurds "didn't help us in the Second World War" anyway, says the president. And more...
Reshuffling is not only a haphazard half-measure—it is no substitute for the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.
Years after surveillance reforms, federal personnel can’t seem to comply with the Fourth Amendment.
“As though the only way that we can relate with other countries in the world is by bombing them.”
Graham criticism of Trump's Syria policy says a lot more about the senator's appetite for endless war than the failures of an imagined non-interventionist foreign policy.
Plus: Rudy Giuliani threatens to sue The Swamp, UPS gets approval for delivery drones, and more...
If Trump threatened to withhold aid funds in order to pressure Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden and his son, he undermined Congress' power of the purse. It's an important aspect of the Ukraine scandal that has so far been largely ignored.
Washington's priority should be ending America's role in this fight.
Plus: Juul under criminal investigation, states pay millions to abortion providers, and more...
Gabbard has previously called the Trump administration "Saudi Arabia's bitch."
Dump intrusive trade policies to give a real boost to consumers and entrepreneurs.
Plus: Another Marine goes rogue to catch "child traffickers," 69 percent of people hate Trump, and more...
The war on terror leaves more dead civilians in its wake.
Trump's recently fired national security adviser fumed about the president's unwillingness to launch another half-cocked war and says U.S. should stay in Afghanistan basically forever.
The videos show a U.S. military jet's encounter with what appears to be a fast-moving, unidentified object.
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