Recipe for a Life Sentence: Mix Two Kinds of Prohibitionist Idiocy
Mix hash brownies with two kinds of prohibitionist idiocy.
The Feds Say: Don't You Dare Call Marijuana Medicine
The Justice Department prosecutes medical marijuana patients while tolerating commercial cannabis.
DOJ to Attempt to Determine Just How Racist Police Are
Federal grants will be offered for more research.
Criteria Set for DOJ Reviews of Clemency Application
Have to be non-violent with no significant criminal history and already in jail 10 years
What You Need To Know About Holder's Drug Sentencing Proposal and the State of America's Prison Population
Attorney general urges U.S. Sentencing Commission to back reduced sentences for some drug offenders
Elderly Nun Sentenced to Prison for Break-In for Anti-Nuclear Protest
Nearly three years for her actions at Tennessee weapons plant
Recovering From a Punitive Panic
Two encouraging moves toward ameliorating the injustices inflicted by mandatory minimums
2013 Was a Banner Year for Letting Innocent People Out of Jail
87 were released from prison in 2013 after proving they didn't do it
Bipartisan Drug Sentencing Reform Legislation Clears Senate Judiciary Committee
Obama didn't mention it at his SOTU, surprise!