The 'One-Child' Policy Was Tyrannical in Theory and Brutally Oppressive in Practice
For decades, Western apologists downplayed the horrific consequences of China’s reproductive restrictions..
For decades, Western apologists downplayed the horrific consequences of China’s reproductive restrictions..
There is no other way to prevent the games from becoming a propaganda showcase for a brutally oppressive regime.
"It's an escape hatch from tyranny," writes the Human Rights Foundation's Alex Gladstein. "It's nothing less than freedom money."
If governments stand in the way of vaccine production and distribution for the world market, the costs will be high in lives and in wealth.
Plus: What Jeffrey Toobin teaches us about Section 230, Wisconsin's Foxconn boondoggle, Breonna Taylor juror speaks out, and more...
Plus: California is burning because of a "gender reveal" party, Irish brothel law backfires, and more...
Neither does Portland. But the fact that the violence is continuous and seems to be escalating is cause for concern.
The legislation cuts lots of red tape surrounding the visa process.
Protesters in many countries may find themselves facing down state forces with extralegal powers and a muzzled press.
The Chinese Communist Party confiscated a sacred meteorite from Muslim herders. They're suing to get it back.
The city's overzealous commission has ordered the company to stop selling dolls some said were racial caricatures.
The council's design all but ensures absurdities like this.
Activist Nury Turkel discusses the vast network of camps that may hold over a million Uighurs in western China.
Plus: Chelsea Manning's latest motion is denied, Prager University's Google lawsuit is nonsense, and more...
Transgender activist Jessica Yaniv has forced the British Columbia Human Rights council to hear a truly absurd complaint.
A new report from the U.N.'s High Commissioner for Human Rights finds a "shockingly high" number of politically motivated extrajudicial killings.
The Declaration of Independence advocates a polity based on universal principles of liberty and equality, not ethnic nationalism. We would do well to remember those principles today.
Rules always seem to make officials do terrible things when they don’t want to do what is right.
But isn't this really Obama's fault?
The President's effort to coerce Mexico into blocking the emigration of its own people undermines the distinction between keeping people out and locking them in. It thereby makes US immigration policy analogous to the Berlin Wall.
Plus: a Robert Kraft/spa-sting update, Florida sex-buyer registry nixed, D.C. activist alleges entrapment, and more sex-work and sex-policy news.
Plus: The TSA mask is slipping and government shutdown goes on.
Plus: Rep. Amash moves to limit weapons sales to Saudis while evangelical leaders defend them.
Plus: Kavanaugh and Gorsuch differ during immigration case.
Canada called on Saudi Arabia to release a blogger from prison. Here's how Saudi Arabia responded.
Michael Chertoff gets a post at Freedom House.
An Argentinian bishop in Rome may not be the best authority on Chinese politics.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who likens himself to Hitler, promotes the mass murder of drug users.
Court-ordered program provides slave labor to private companies says new ACLU of Oklahoma lawsuit.
Under the guise of getting addicts treatment, courts are ordering people to do dangerous and unremunerated labor in "diversion" factory farms.
The Olympics are an awful deal for the cities that host them.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte follows prohibitionist logic to its lethal conclusion.
Examining McCain's philanthropic past reveals a long history of personal abuse of nonprofit resources, shady connections, and shoddy work.
From pill theft to cozying up to authoritarians, Trump's pick for U.S. ambassador on human rights has a long history of abusing the system.
A batch of frightening new bills take aim at all sorts of civil liberties under the guise of stopping sexual exploitation.
These are the tools of pornographers, "sextortionists," and human traffickers, Sessions told a police conference this week.
Security threats don't excuse the abolition of due process.
Naturally, they're portraying it as a success.
Trump praises Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs, which is tied to thousands of extrajudicial killings.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte follows prohibitionist logic to its deadly conclusion.
The president praised Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte for "fighting very hard to rid his country of drugs."
The president-elect "understood the way we are handling it," says Rodrigo Duterte.
Americans must resist the delusional embrace of E.U.-style "hate speech" rules.
How an oppressive Middle Eastern country led to everybody's iPhones getting a security update.
Why a ban on the development of lethal autonomous weapons is premature
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