Hey Students! Make Your School the First Heterodox University!
Want to support free speech and greater viewpoint diversity on your campus? Here's how.
When Wrongthink Becomes Workplace Harrassment
The EEOC wants to decide whether the Gadsden flag might be racist.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Gets Political with RNC in Cleveland
Censorship, war, race, gender, sexuality, police brutality all covered in sweeping new exhibit "Louder Than Words: Rock, Power, and Politics."
Where Did the Justice Dept. Learn to Censor Info About Violent Attacks? From the Public (Updated: Redactions Reversed)
Here are your unintended consequences for demanding media censor info about mass killers.
London Protects Its Citizens From Onslaught of Beautiful People
Saving young folks from hurt feelings warrants wide-scale censorship efforts in London.
Spanking Website Wins Battle Against British Web Censors
The U.K. Office of Communications has ruled in favor of feminist pornographer Pandora Blake and her site DreamsOfSpanking.com.
The Petty Tyranny of Beer Label Censors
Flying Dog Brewery's successful battle to sell Raging Bitch in Michigan illustrates the capriciousness of alcohol regulation.
Why Vape? E-Cig Companies Are Not Allowed to Say.
The FDA is suppressing potentially lifesaving information about the health advantages of e-cigarettes.
Why We Should All Care About Brazil's War on WhatsApp
Because WhatsApp is so popular, it is a prime target for government data mining-and not just in Brazil.
Three 11-Year-Old "Dancing Trumps" Forbidden to Perform at School Talent Show
Silly oversized masks and a benign, wordless, apolitical dance routine was too hot for a Massachusetts public school to handle.
Charlie Hebdo, Terrorism, and the Culture of 'You Can't Say That'
The strangling of free, open commentary on Islam in Europe has had an impact that is as predictable as it is dire.
Victimhood Culture: How Abuse, Bullying, Trauma, Mental Disorders, Addiction, and Prejudice Became Pervasive
Psychological "concept creep" pathologizes everyday experience and encourages a sense of impotent victimhood.
Cuban Internet Censorship is a Good Thing, According to The Nation
Venerable progressive mag argues in favor of a repressive regime controlling access to information, because it beats "corporate control."
How Rock Music (Mostly) Defeated Castro's Censorship
The Rolling Stones prepare their historic concert in a country that once banned the Beatles and still harasses artistic free expression
Edward Snowden, Pussy Riot, Ai Weiwei Create Messages for World Day Against Cyber Censorship
"Without freedom of speech there is no modern world, just a barbaric one."
You Can't Say That on Chinese Television
China's Communist authorities have put out a laundry list of material they don't want to see on TV, from homosexuality to unpatriotic sound effects.
Students, Teachers at Calif. School Think an Anti-Gay Sticker Can Bully People
Your rights end where their feelings begin.
Stupid Laws Censor the Truth from Whisky Buyers
Liquor regulations in the U.S. and EU control how honest makers can be.
Support College Censorship or Become Its Target, Prominent Gay Activist Discovers
Peter Tatchell snubbed for signing onto letter opposing elimination of platforms for debate.
Heroic Troll Forces Censors to Watch Paint Dry
Filmmaker crowd funds 10 hours of paint drying footage for censors to watch.
You Don't Have to Oppose Abortion to Worry About Planned Parenthood Video Indictments
Turning journalistic deception into legal matter can have a chilling effect.
Conversion Therapy Is Bad, but Banning It Is a Form of Unacceptable Censorship
We don't need lawmakers deciding what therapies should be supported or legal.
Porn in America Is a Story of 'Freedom, Survival,' Says Adult-Film Awards Founder Paul Fishbein
But "somebody somewhere is always trying to find a way to censor speech," Fishbein cautioned colleagues at Saturday night's AVN Awards ceremony.
Why You Should Care About the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, Even If You Don't Care for Porn
Nowhere do so many constitutional abuses converge as with government treatment of pornography and adult entertainment.
Associated Press Self-Censors Anniversary Charlie Hebdo Cover
Mohammad is nowhere to be seen. Neither is any courage.
As Hollywood's International Market Grows, Will Foreign Censors End Up Controlling U.S. Content?
Big movie studios are already tweaking their films, and online services like Netflix may follow.
Calls For Censorship Are Making a Comeback
Congress is never at a loss for a reason to be threatened by free expression.
The New York Times Joins the 'ISIS Is Too Scary For Free Speech' Movement
The Grey Lady gets cold feet about the First Amendment.
Don't Let Principals Censor the Internet
Public schools should not have the power to punish off-campus speech.
Dutch Museum Renames Historic Paintings With More Politically Correct Names
PC hysteria: not just for Americans!