Where Rape Victims Are Forced to Pay for Their Own Forensic Exams
Why should sexual-assault victims have to pay the state to investigate the crimes against them?
Why should sexual-assault victims have to pay the state to investigate the crimes against them?
That doesn't make him entirely right, though.
Teaching men not to rape and helping women avoid rape aren't mutually exclusive options.
A loophole in Rhode Island decriminalized prostitution between 2004-2009. During this time the state saw significant decreases in rape and gonorrhea.
When bad things happen, activists shouldn't blame tasteless jokes or Robin Thicke songs.
This would discourage the sort of black out drinking most likely to lead to sexual assault disputes.
Automatically expelling all students found guilty of rape is a perfectly defensible policy, but only if guilt is adjudicated in an actual criminal trial.
Sexual assault at U-M has declined notably and in line with national statistics, casting doubt on the left's characterization of the problem as an "epidemic."
Consensual sex? There's an app for that. One day soon. Hopefully.
Did media outlets reporting the sexual assault allegations against Daniel Kopin properly scrutinize his accuser's claims?
Are things really getting so much worse at U.S. educational institutions?
"Both parties would be guilty of sexually assaulting one another," said Shibley.
You know who does an even worse job than the cops at dealing with rape? College administrators.
The latest episode of Game of Thrones has touched off a raging debate that reveals cracks in feminist dogma about "rape culture."
Unfortunately, the state of feminism in 2013 may have hit a new low
Sent to school for kids with discipline issues after being accused of "public lewdness"
Rape culture and agents of the state
"if you can't prevent rape, you enjoy it"
Armed gang keeps migrants in camps until they pay thousands of dollars
Viewing it solely through the lens of gender politics obscures the real issues and ultimately endangers justice.
Three men accused of gang-raping a girl were ordered to cut grass in a case that prompted national outrage
Family of victim claims they had to move because of threats
As recently as a decade ago rape stories were taboo and wouldn't make the national news
One nugget: "most of those who commit sexual abuse in detention are corrections staff, not inmates."
Victim later killed herself
The victim got a speedy trial only because she gained celebrity status
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