Lawsuit Over New Hampshire Donut Mural Heads to Trial
Conway, New Hampshire, is trying to make a local bakery take down a mural of colorful baked goods. The bakery says that violates its First Amendment rights.
Conway, New Hampshire, is trying to make a local bakery take down a mural of colorful baked goods. The bakery says that violates its First Amendment rights.
"I happen to be a tax-and-spend liberal," says Richard Wexler, "but this bill provides not one iota of additional help."
Criminal prosecution is an inappropriate response to tragedy.
The director of The Free State Project and Maine legislator talks about the free state movement’s history, accomplishments, and future.
Why are federal taxpayers paying for upgrades at tiny rural airports, Thanksgiving Day parades, and enhancements for Alaskan king crabs?
Several large public universities are getting multimillion dollar budget cuts.
Plus: the Supreme Court weighs housing fees and homelessness, YIMBYs bet on smaller, more focused reforms, and a new paper finds legalizing more housing does in fact bring costs down.
How do the Iowa caucuses work? The fact that people have to ask every four years shows why this tradition should end.
In a budget address, Gov. Sununu promised legislation to allow some out-of-state licenses, abolish others.
Freeman, an early adopter of the virtual currency, gets slammed by a state that can't tolerate any use of money without its permission and knowledge.
People with money on the line try harder than pundits to be right, and they adjust quickly when they've made a mistake.
And is this a good precedent to be setting?
Until he won the Republican nomination in New Hampshire, Don Bolduc insisted that the presidential election was stolen.
New Hampshire Republican candidates get a leg up from expensive Democratic ad buys.
A bill signed into law this month in Illinois and one awaiting governor approval in New Hampshire would let kids sell non-alcoholic beverages outside their homes.
A new law allows cash-strapped districts to send students to private religious schools.
The Court left increasingly urgent questions about taxing remote workers up in the air.
A social media struggle in the New Hampshire L.P. fractured a state party and triggered a national meltdown.
The regulatory pursuit of quality housing means some tiny-home residents actually end up with no housing.
An Illinois resident obtained a TRO by citing a 30-day limit, while a New Hampshire hair salon owner says the goal of her state's lockdown has been achieved.
Paradoxically, in the current moment—a moment Biden helped to create by blocking Bork—being unqualified for the presidency is the best qualification a candidate can have.
In New Hampshire, Biden says marijuana should be "basically legalized." That's an accurate representation of his proposed policies, but it also shows how he's lagging on the issue.
People who voted for Donald Trump have far more favorable views of Gabbard than those who voted for Hillary Clinton. And because the state has an open primary, that could be significant.
The state attempted to recall the vanity plate on the grounds that it referenced "excretory acts or functions."
The decision by the New Hampshire Board of Medicine suggests state officials are beginning to recognize the harm caused by the crackdown on pain pills.
“I wanted to be more than somebody who is the son of a murder victim.”
An ACLU brief bolsters the state's case, arguing that people reasonably expect information about the medications they take will be kept confidential.
State lawmakers reached across the aisle for a bipartisan push against capital punishment.
The bipartisan push to remove capital punishment from state law is moving forward.
The city defines nudity as showing nipple, but only if you're a woman.
Members are moving to New Hampshire and running for office in record numbers. Will they bring "liberty in our lifetime"?
It's not a crime to travel with lots of cash. But you still might be treated like a criminal.
The controversy highlights how the party can benefit from its statement of principles, which were protected at its recent national convention.
We asked the attendees at PorcFest 2018.
The Department of Justice's loophole lets officials seize property without having to get a conviction.
Did a small number of complaints get used to punish bureaucracy-rejecting physician?
The Fourth Amendment-destroying powers of the Border Patrol continue to harass Americans.
Despite an agenda mostly aimed at less government spending and interference in people's lives, creeping libertarianism frightens some New Hampshire progressives.
First-termers Caleb Dyer (former Republican) and Joseph Stallcop (former Democrat) both switched their Party allegiance to Libertarian.
Q&A with Free State Project President Matt Philips.
Inside PorcFest, the country's largest libertarian and anarchist gathering
Tightening the rules would be great-if the police couldn't bypass them entirely.
Former Free State Project head named president of even-more-out-there group!
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