Washable, Wearable Electrodes Invented
Can make certain types of medical tests so much easier
Can make certain types of medical tests so much easier
Was able to help detect diseases in schoolchildren
Could be possible to implant on a person within three years
Threatens to render laws utterly unenforceable
Maybe get the first one out the door first?
Who needs residential facilities and physical classrooms?
You can't ban chemistry
No more DJs; listeners pick songs via Website or app
Which is like banning photocopying ... Nevermind. Stupid people are stupid.
And plenty of government visitors, too
Subversive innovation beats control freaks every time
Fixing stuff yourself! What a concept.
It's considered impolite to reach out and try to touch her hat
Will work together to identify patients who might benefit from experimental treatment
Say innovation suffers as a result
Public-private partnership with members of industry and academia
A unified theory of fantasy football; Eat, Pray, Love; and Burning Man.
Stupid rules make us poorer and unhealthier
Keep the regulators out of the way and human spirit triumphs
Explores what it would take to create a community from scratch
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