The Biden Administration Sues Over Missouri's Pro–Second Amendment Law
Plus: An antitrust lawsuit against Juul was dismissed, the EARN IT Act's sponsor has a new proposal, and more...
Plus: An antitrust lawsuit against Juul was dismissed, the EARN IT Act's sponsor has a new proposal, and more...
Dellinger was a famed constitutional law scholar at Duke University, and also held important positions in government during the Clinton Administration.
Despite all the controversy it has courted, Woody Holton's newest book doesn't stray very far from other scholarly interpretations of the American Revolution.
If it is upheld, state legislators easily could use the strategy embodied in S.B. 8 to attack other rights the Supreme Court has recognized.
Conservative Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby makes the case for a constitutional amendment severely limiting the government's power to exclude immigrants.
The justices may find it difficult to uphold Mississippi's abortion ban without overturning Roe v. Wade.
The "viability" rule is arbitrary. So are the alternatives.
Come present at the first conference held by the Constitutional Law Institute at the University of Chicago
Even justices who take a dim view of Roe v. Wade recognize the law’s chilling implications.
Imposing a wealth tax may not even be among the enumerated powers of Congress.
Rather than fighting for power, Americans should ignore each other and go about their lives.
Plus: Twitter's new trigger warnings, good news for food freedom, and more...
Plus: Government shutdown, demographic diversity in rural America, and more...
A conservative law professor advised Donald Trump that Mike Pence could unilaterally overturn the 2020 election.
In the first two lawsuits filed under S.B. 8, all of the parties seem to think enforcement of the law should be blocked.
Alan Braid says he broke the law, which prohibits the vast majority of abortions, to make sure it would be tested in court.
Constitution Day is a good time to consider the issue of whether we have been overly accepting of some horrendous Supreme Court precedents. The Chinese Exclusion Case of 1889 is a great example.
When government "gets out of the way, we're going to see again, the creativity of the American people," says the 80-year-old optimist.
Meanwhile, the threat posed by the lawsuits that S.B. 8 authorizes has dramatically curtailed access to abortion in Texas.
S.B. 8 relies on litigation tricks that conservatives have long condemned as a threat to the rule of law.
Yale Law School Prof. Cristina Rodriguez and I discussed this timely subject with host Stephen Henderson.
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Because the Supreme Court so far has not intervened, post-heartbeat abortions are now illegal in the Lone Star State.
Overheated rhetoric is a ploy to treat migrants like enemy combatants.
The Third Amendment Lawyers Association argues in a recent amicus brief that the federal eviction ban requires landlords to quarter soldiers.
Plus: Wiretapping social media, Democrats' budget proposal, cryptocurrency regulations, the infrastructure bill, and more..
Fourth Circuit overturns laws barring licensed gun dealers from selling handguns to 18–20-year-olds.
“The fact that it hasn't ended in the past 230 years suggests that maybe [it will] last a good deal longer,” says historian Dennis C. Rasmussen, author of Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America's Founders
We can thank judges who were prepared to enforce constitutional limits on public health powers.
The controversial 2005 case "strayed from the Constitution," say Thomas and Gorsuch.
Holding a sign in a public park should not cause an arrest.
A new lawsuit challenges Minnesota's law requiring a person be at least 21 years old to carry a handgun.
A new conservative faction embraces "authoritative rule for the common good."
No, states can't use the 10th Amendment to overturn the First Amendment.
Police were finally able to catch the serial killer using DNA genealogy databases—violating many innocent people's constitutional right to privacy.
Revived federalism is a start, but it doesn’t go far enough.
The Supreme Court will hear arguments next term in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett.
Conservative state legislators are taking a page from the playbook of pro-immigration activists and the marijuana legalization movement.
The Founders could not have possibly imagined the Commerce Clause covering an eviction moratorium.
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Texas state senators introduced a bill requiring the national anthem at all pro sports events.
Plus: A new documentary tells Reality Winner's story, occupational licensing reform is antitrust reform, and more...
Plus: Problems with the PRO Act, what libertarian feminism isn't, and more...
All professions deserve the same constitutional protections that speech-heavy industries get.
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