Arizona Bill to Crack Down on Rioters Could Be Used to Shut Down Protests
Adding rioting to racketeering laws could lead to arrests of peaceful organizers, opponents fear.
Adding rioting to racketeering laws could lead to arrests of peaceful organizers, opponents fear.
The thin line between reason and delirium.
Infowars in the age of Trump
Jesse Walker talks about "fake news" with the Nieman Journalism Lab.
Lessons for the debate over Trump and Russia
If a foreign nation's intervention into elections is a crime, America has a LOT of explaining to do.
Don't scapegoat the right for this. You can spread the blame a lot more widely than that.
You don't have to be a Russia booster to dismiss claims Russia hacked the U.S. election.
You can't blame the filmmaker for being annoyed. But audiences are always repurposing art, sometimes in creepy ways, sometimes in ways that are more appealing.
Don't be distracted into debating the wrong things.
While the particulars of Pizzagate are especially outlandish, it's not a narrative that sprung up in an alt-right vacuum. Just look at the coverage of Sherri Papini's case.
'It's a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly,' she says for the umpteenth time.
And that tradition hasn't been confined to the fringe.
Wikileaks reveals how activists orchestrated a campaign to silence climate researcher Roger Pielke Jr.
Friday A/V Club: Jesse James trutherism
The president-elect claims he would have won the popular vote if Clinton had not benefited from widespread fraud.
From Al Smith and Eleanor Roosevelt to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Calling for the social media outlet to censor things, even completely made up stories, can end up in bad places.
What A Face in the Crowd and Meet John Doe tell us about populism, pop culture, and fear.
The weekend reactions are both a reminder and a preview of how Clinton handles a scandal.
This year's baseless Halloween-mayhem rumor hasn't picked up as much steam as last year's baseless Halloween-mayhem rumor.
Which does that tell us more about: conspiracy theories, or polls?
Belief in electoral fraud depresses turnout.
Coming Saturday: "Fear, Conspiracy, and Presidential Campaigns"
The Fifth Column talks conspiracies, late hits, Reason commenters, and other strange phenomena in advance of tonight's final presidential debate
What's new is that Trump himself is leading the charge. But will that make a difference?
A would-be exposé fails to deliver the goods.
Auburn University has issued a public-safety bulletin about the clown menace. Read it here.
Trump and Clinton both have dirty hands.
The law's failures stem from its many compromises and concessions to political reality.
The GOP candidate's event was a falsehood-filled advertisement for his new D.C. hotel.
Lack of transparency, on the other hand...
An experiment in international aid hits a snag.
Archeologists offer a new look at a secretive settlement of runaway slaves.
A fever-dream film strip from 1967 calls the counterculture a communist/capitalist plot.
When institutional authority declines, social gains follow. Even if there's also a rise in weird beliefs.
Speaking in Nevada, the Democrat denounces Donald Trump as a racist and a conspiracy theorist.
Down with conspiracy theories! By the way, my opponent is controlled by Moscow.
Sure, Trump loves to talk about conspiracies. So do his foes.
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