The Totalitarian Ethics of California's Public Sector Unions
The latest scam to keep pension reform off of the ballot
Pro-Union Activism at the California Justice Department
Did Attorney General Kamala Harris sabotage a voter initiative to please her public-sector union supporters?
Making State Officials More Accountable in California
Government policy should be driven by what's best for the public, not what's best for public employees.
The Well-Deserved Death of California's Redevelopment Scam
A big win for property rights in the Golden State.
L.A.'s Insane War on the Porn Industry
Requiring adult film stars to wear condoms is bad for business-and for pleasure.
Redevelopment Leaves Behind $30 Billion Debt, Hundred-Millions in "Other Expenditures"
Doomed agencies should sell off their property and disappear.
Jerry Brown's Failed Vision for California
The governor should stop attacking his critics and start trying to fix California's broken economy.
End of the Line for the Bullet Train
High-Speed Rail is Coasting to a Stop, and Not Just in California
Another Way California Wastes Taxpayer Dollars
Golden state lawmakers ignore real problems while spending precious time and money renaming highways.
A Victory for Property Rights in California
The California Supreme Court stands up against government abuse.
Rampant Corruption in California Redistricting
How left-wing activists stacked the deck in favor of Golden State Democrats
Scrooge-like predictions for the New Year
Mostly dour predictions, offered with the hope that I end up being wrong.
L.A. Metro's Light Rail Arguments Off-Track
MTA blog explains (inadvertently) why Los Angeles has nation's worst travel time