Reason Staff
Latest from Reason Staff
The NFL Gives Up Tax Exempt Status. Can We Stop Paying for Stadiums Too?
Top 5 NFL Hits to Taxpayers
Ronald Bailey Argues that Gene-Editing Human Embryos Is Ethical
And that bioethicists and scientists who say otherwise are wrong.
Kurt Loder Reviews Avengers: Age of Ultron
Joss Whedon, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, and company versus the looming Marvel mothership.
Openness, For a Free, Innovative, and Dynamic Society
From open trade and immigration, through the challenges of government transparency, to private end-runs around unresponsive bureaucracy
Openness, For a Free, Innovative, and Dynamic Society
From open trade and immigration, through the challenges of government transparency, to private end-runs around unresponsive bureaucracy
Andrew Napolitano on Obama's 'Flying Robots of Death'
If war is not dangerous, warns Napolitano, it will become commonplace.
Sheldon Richman: U.S. Capitalism Isn't a 'Free Market'
Centuries of government intervention have distorted society and the economy considerably.
Kurt Loder Reviews Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck and The Room
MST3K vets lower the boom on The Room.
Sheldon Richman: Why Does Obama Help the Saudis Murder Yemenis?
The turmoil in civil-war torn Yemen is not an instance of Iranian expansion.
Andrew Napolitano on FBI Corruption and Cover-Ups
The agency cuts constitutional corners in order to incriminate, then tries to change the subject.