Clarence Thomas Declares War on Big Tech
Like a number of other modern conservatives, Thomas seems to think that Twitter and other tech companies are effectively censoring right-of-center views.
How reactionary politicians are using monopoly concerns as cover to pursue pre-existing political agendas
Like a number of other modern conservatives, Thomas seems to think that Twitter and other tech companies are effectively censoring right-of-center views.
It wasn't until his thirties that the economist started to turn from Marxism.
Reason tried out the field test kits used to test for drugs in prison. They were unreliable and confusing.
Dr. Lee Gross' direct primary care practice takes the complexity and unaffordability out of health care.
I don't know the correct level of content moderation by Facebook, Twitter, Google, or Amazon, and neither do you.
A rare opportunity to get a license plate that says "BONG" on it
Something about camping seems to turn 21st century worriers into parents with positively Spielbergian nonchalance.
The president is doubling down on bad regulations that raise labor and material costs of federal infrastructure projects.
State legislators across the country are working to weaken the enforcement of federal gun laws by emulating immigration activists.
The first major intersection of college basketball and legal sports betting seems to have been a completely clean affair.
By effectively casting aside the filibuster while technically leaving it in place, Democrats can maintain the pretense that they played by the rules.
Returning traffic enforcement and criminal law enforcement to their proper spheres could put both police and drivers at ease.
Americans are divided not because politicians failed to pronounce the correct phrases, but because we genuinely disagree on questions of public policy, justice, and identity.
An IBM team led by A.I. researcher Noam Slonim has devised a system that does not merely answer questions; it debates the questioners.
Can a cop enter a suspect's home without a warrant if they're in pursuit and have probable cause to believe the suspect has committed a misdemeanor?
Biden has yet to deliver on his promise that he'd be better than both Trump and Obama on immigration.
A generation of activists has imbued words and sounds with superstition.
With panic in the air, federal law enforcement seized the moment.
That time a civil rights activist teamed up with Richard Nixon to build a black-run town in rural North Carolina
The book argues that judges should take their responsibility as gatekeepers of scientific and technical evidence more seriously.
For a zine about "the sick and twisted hobbies of rich people throughout history," little time is spent actually indicting the aristocracy.
The new film never wavers in its appreciation for these seasteading heroes as they piss off all the right people in pursuit of their slice of utopia.
Historian Vincent Brown's new book examines the 18th-century slave insurrection, arguing it was really four different wars at once.
What's it like to run a restaurant in California during the pandemic?
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