A New Study Finds No Relationship Between Opioid Prescriptions and Unintentional Injury Deaths
The data do not support the conventional wisdom that pain pill prescriptions are driving drug-related fatalities.
The data do not support the conventional wisdom that pain pill prescriptions are driving drug-related fatalities.
So many people are leaving the state that it will soon lose a congressional seat.
Three recently approved plans show what politicians have learned (or failed to learn) since Colorado became the first state to allow recreational use.
Plus: Safe deposit box seizures spawn lawsuit, at-home COVID-19 testing finally legal, and more...
An appeals court panel rules the Controlled Substance Act's "crackhouse" provision forbids Safehouse from creating the facility.
Friday A/V Club: How a Watergate burglar spent the '80s
Joe Biden, meanwhile, supports continued national prohibition, maintaining an untenable conflict between state and federal laws.
Plus: The "infrastructure plan" that isn't, the Institute for Justice challenges cash seizures at airports, and more...
The law is surprisingly permissive in some ways, but it includes high taxes and other provisions that hurt consumers.
Plus: Pharmacies are doing a better job of vaccinating than the government, New York will legalize weed, and more...
But forthcoming legislation in the Senate could force Biden's hand.
A compromise is now circulating that would establish a market but also allow growing at home.
New Mexico could be the 16th state to legalize pot, while Texas considers tinkering with its onerous penalties and Pennsylvania continues to arrest cannabis consumers.
Dickie Lynn's story shows how the drug war warped the criminal justice system.
Plus: FTC commissioner on antitrust action against Facebook, FIRE's Greg Lukianoff on the "marketplace of ideas" metaphor, and more...
Iowa smoke shop owners say the tax would be "a ban without being an outright ban."
Art Acevedo responded to a 2019 drug raid that killed a middle-aged couple with reflexive defensiveness and obstinate obfuscation.
After news investigations uncovered numerous allegations that cops in a small California town were robbing motorists of cash and weed, two former officers are now facing federal charges.
Legalizing interstate sales and allowing outdoor growing would reduce the cannabis industry's energy consumption.
What we know about Holiday’s mistreatment is compelling enough without muddling her history.
Uruguay legalized recreational marijuana in 2013, followed by Canada five years later. Two more countries will soon join their ranks.
In Massachusetts, Malinda Harris argues, civil asset forfeiture routinely violates the right to due process.
The court said criminalizing unknowing possession violates the right to due process.
Psychiatrist Sally Satel on her eye-opening year at a clinic in Ironton, Ohio
Two studies published in November found that legalization has not been associated with increases in adolescent marijuana use or addiction.
Criminal justice groups say Biden should move the pardon process out of the Justice Department and consider categorical clemencies.
A new study provides further evidence that property seizures are driven by financial motives rather than public safety concerns.
A misdemeanor marijuana charge leads to an attempt to take $17,000.
Plus: "Cancel culture" confusion, Biden rejects student loan forgiveness, Stossel and Snowden on internet privacy, and more...
Half a century ago, Congress declared that there is no legitimate use for psilocybin. State and local governments are finally challenging that judgment.
After getting a ballot initiative voided, she says she’ll also resist legislators attempting to legalize marijuana.
In 2014, Reason reported on the misbehavior of Rod Ponton, who has suddenly risen to internet stardom after being unable to turn off an adorable filter during an online legal case.
Voters approved it, but the governor resisted. A court came down on her side.
His new book, Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear, is a provocative manifesto for legalizing all drugs.
Contemporary psychonauts are looking for insight, relief, fun, escape, and a million other things to make their lives more interesting and bearable.
The state used civil asset forfeiture to seize Tyson Timbs' car in 2013. His nightmare hasn't ended.
If passed, the bill would allow for legal possession by July 1.
We can’t eliminate the virus, but we can reduce its harm to our lives and livelihoods.
The new administration nixes a change that would have allowed more physicians to prescribe buprenorphine.
Plus: Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs, Kroger closes stores over hazard pay rule, and more...
Some doable libertarian ideas for the new president
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