Gary Johnson Getting Nearly as Many LGBT Voters as Trump
Clinton is still the heavy favorite.
Clinton is still the heavy favorite.
Staring into the abyss.
Trump's supporters have called him a "ridiculous" showman, a "con artist," "a pathological liar," and "a cancer on conservatism."
Sixteen years ago, Trump advocated opening up the presidential debates to third parties. His arguments hold true today.
Libertarian candidate notes he's polling better than Perot was in 1992 when allowed into debates.
Why, this devious Libertarian monster doesn't even want to give free college to everybody!
The lawless passions fueling the rise of Trump are not likely to bring us a freer society.
Wanting to "burn it all down" is not libertarianism.
If you're under 50 and worried about the 2016 election, automation, and your future, listen up!
Matt Welch discusses that plus Donald Trump's policing ideas on FBN's Kennedy tonight at 8 pm ET
Backers of the former two-term governor of New Mexico say he's a "sane centrist" while Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are dangerous extremists.
Unfunny "Between Two Ferns" interview is one more dreary exercise in liberal virtue signaling.
From Robert Downey Jr. to Martin Sheen to Julianne Moore to Scarlett Johansson, a "shit-ton" of movie stars tell you the proper way to vote.
Libertarian nominee rejects "spoiler" frame in USA Today interview
Simple sentiment not articulated by many other mainstream politicians.
Libertarian, Republican candidates within the margin of error among U.S. military personnel; Hillary Clinton trails by more than 20 percentage points.
It's all here, from "libertarian Star Trek" to Penn Jillette on the 2016 race to Katherine Mangu-Ward talking Reason history with Virginia Postrel.
The costs of a moratorium would far outweigh any conceivable security benefit.
The next president could choose up to five Supreme Court Justices.
Trump and Clinton both have dirty hands.
Just hours after New York bombing suspect was caught, Trump was already bemoaning how slowly the wheels of justice are turning.
Fear mongering, despite the pretenses, is a bipartisan project.
Compare his answers with Clinton, Trump, and Stein over at
If you care about expanding choices and discussion when it comes to politics, the only proper reaction to Johnson's exclusion is outrage.
Clinton has been going full-force Millennial Whisperer recently, after learning that she's losing young voters to Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Why it won't help.
Economist, heal thyself
One way to minimize Hillary Clinton's transgressions
After Clinton didn't respond to its candidate survey, the Fraternal Order of Police endorses Trump, citing his "real commitment to American law enforcement."
Says Trump is neither a Republican nor a conservative while Clinton is too far to the left and untrustworthy.
Former Indiana governor pushes for Libertarian nominee's inclusion in the debates, hosts a big event for him at Purdue, and writes WSJ op-Ed about an issue only Johnson is any good on
Refuse to actually engage with the reasons the electorate dislikes Clinton and she might lose.
The GOP candidate's event was a falsehood-filled advertisement for his new D.C. hotel.
The Democratic presidential candidate disavows Obama's SCOTUS pick.
The love for Putin reflects a genuine shift in Republican voters.
If you think the FDA and food inspectors rather than vendors' desire not to kill their customers is what keeps you safe, you're an idiot.
Your favorite three-way podcast is back after a week off for, uh, maintenance
Talking Gary Johnson's poll numbers, Colin Powell's emails, Winston Churchill's doctor note vs. Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's.
Being even more condescending toward them probably won't work.
Has the possibility of a Trump presidency caused progressives to reflect on the wisdom of an all-powerful State?
The strength the Republican nominee admires is the strength of an autocrat.
Term limited president gets more enthusiasm than the nominee long packaged as his inevitable successor.
But accurate online polling is tough, and accurate polling of the military is even tougher.
North Carolina newspaper the second to go libertarian.
The 2016 election is ultimately a fight between a future based on freedom and a bunker mentality in trade, culture, and immigration.
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