Netanyahu Was Right to Bring Up the Holocaust
The U.S. is now on a path that will enable a force that openly threatens Jews to become far more powerful and dangerous.
What If Someone Crossed the Razor-Blades-in-Halloween-Candy Rumor with the Injecting-Babies-with-AIDS Rumor?
Decoding a Vietnamese urban legend
Netanyahu's Impossible Dream
Arms control tends to bring out unwarranted panic and fury, and Netanyahu is squarely in that tradition.
America Must Reject Netanyahu's War Cry on Iran
Netanyahu's narrative is a fabric of lies and omissions.
Can Rand Paul Ever Be Sufficiently Pro-Israel?
Attacking Paul's insufficiently enthusiastic applause for Netanyahu is symbolic of a continuing problem he has with elements of the American Right.
How the War of 1812 Eroded U.S. Liberalism
The War of 1812 helped "the State come into its own" by concentrating power and interest in the national government.
Netanyahu Does The Impossible: Divides Congress on Israel
Bibi's speech to Congress threatens the uniquely rock-solid bipartisan support for Israel.
The Human Right to Offend
Self-censorship in the face of intimidation has another name: cowardice.
Forget Scott Walker's ISIS/Unions Comments: Today's Republican Foreign Policy Scandal Is That GOP Elites Still Agitate for Pre-Emptive War
Judging by a conservative "debate," the options range from overthrowing the Ayatollahs to replacing them with explicitly pro-American leaders.
The FBI and Domestic ISIS Arrest: Keeping Fear Alive as a Government Mission
A continuing pattern of domestic terror, courtesy of our FBI.
Domestic Fear Is the Price of Empire
We can only live without the fear of terrorism if the U.S. government stops antagonizing foreign populations that have never threatened us.
New York Times Worried That Allowing Cubans to Have More Money Will Increase 'Income Inequality'
No, I'm not making that up
This Just in: Newt Gingrich, John Bolton, and Richard Perle Disagree With Rand Paul's Foreign Policy!
New York Times asserts that anti-ISIS hawkery 'could imperil' Paul's candidacy.
Jeb Bush's Empty Indictment
Both brothers use muscular-sounding bromides that substitute for understanding.
Federal Judge Denies Death Row Inmates Access to Information on the Drugs That Will Kill Them
The inmates argued they had a First Amendment right to information that would ensure their Eighth Amendment rights were protected.
The Elusive Politics of American Sniper
It isn't a hawkish movie, and it isn't conventionally dovish either. But it does have a distinct political perspective.
What We Saw at the Students For Liberty Conference 2015
Millennials tell us why they're libertarians.
What We Saw at the Students For Liberty Conference 2015
Millennials tell us why they're libertarians.
Foreign Policy Failure Everywhere
It's well past time for us to think about what horrifies our rulers: nonintervention.
When Americans Practiced Terrorism
Obama had a good point at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Obama's Phony War Limits
After fighting ISIS for six months, the president seeks permission he says he does not need.
After Copenhagen: The Myth of Civilized Censorship
Hate speech laws legitimize violence against those who offend