Is Climate Change Loading Tropical Storm Barry Up With Extra Rain?
Research suggests that inundations are increasing because climate change makes hurricanes linger longer. The good news is that normalized losses from hurricanes aren't increasing.
Research suggests that inundations are increasing because climate change makes hurricanes linger longer. The good news is that normalized losses from hurricanes aren't increasing.
"We're working hard, maybe harder than all previous administrations, maybe almost all of them."
Worst-case scenarios mislead far more than they enlighten.
The two Democrats' climate action plans reveal a near limitless faith in the ability of government to reorganize the economy.
Jerry Taylor on why he now considers climate change a serious problem.
Michael Shellenberger believes the Green New Deal’s focus on wind and solar is a waste of time and money.
The Green New Deal is a path to a more militarized and authoritarian society.
O'Rourke wants net-zero emissions by 2050.
“We’re going to ban the classic glass and steel skyscrapers which are incredibly inefficient," said the mayor of New York City.
No, our kids will not be doomed in 12 years if we don't adopt her Green New Deal.
The next Soho Forum is going to get hot.
The hot new Deep Adaptation report about near-term climate catastrophe is overblown.
He's a free trader against dumping, a deficit hawk for Medicare expansion, and an anti-drug warrior who wants to imprison pharma execs.
We should stop hemming and hawing and try building an emergency backup cooling system for the planet
When money is on the line, it is hard to find parties willing to bet against the scientific consensus on climate change.
One California legislator wants to combat global warming with more roadways.
Environmental Protection Agency
That's wrong. Promoting fear hinders more than helps environmental progress.
Extreme weather events around the globe have tripled since the 1980s, but what's happening in the U.S.?
Q&A with economist Veronique de Rugy.
Ed Markey believes the time to vote on urgently necessary climate change legislation is...later.
The left loves fringe causes, like providing welfare to people who are "unwilling to work."
Using climate change to justify government-guaranteed jobs, health care, and housing.
Climate change is the excuse; radically remaking the American economy is the aim.
Cold waves aren't as common as they used to be, but research suggests that climate change could still make polar vortexes worse.
"The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don't address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?"
Not yet in the United States, new studies suggest
Using climate change as an excuse to pursue other social and economic goals.
Food security is not the problem, but nutrition security could be.
Raising the price of gasoline, heat, and electricity is a steep political hill to climb.
Ordinary people aren't willing to pay higher costs just to fulfill the grand visions of environmentalists.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks so.
Implausible worst-case scenarios do not further the debate over reasonable policies for addressing climate change.
The "trial of the century" may not happen after all.
"Climate-related threats to Americans' physical, social, and economic well-being are rising," says report.
Skeptic of catastrophic climate change projections is right about significant errors in alarming new study.
Activist group finally recognizes that it can't achieve its energy and climate goals without nuclear power.
Is the study's worst-case climate scenario wrong?
Did voters recognize it as a green pork-barrel scheme?
Absolute losses increased, but the proportion of losses relative to global GDP has dropped
Very little carbon reduction, lots of political patronage.
No, global warming will not spark a black death pandemic that kills millions
New report declares world must be off fossil fuels entirely by 2050.
Paul Romer overturns limits-to-growth nonsense, and William Nordhaus projects climate change damages.
Chopping down forests and irrigating rice paddies boosted greenhouse gases enough to prevent the onset of a new ice age
The Trump Administration is seeking to roll back federal automotive fuel economy standards and prevent California from maintaining more stringent standards of its own.
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