You Can Get a Year in Jail for Feeding Garbage to a Pig
Attorney Mike Chase, behind the popular @CrimeADay Twitter feed, talks about his new book, How to Become a Federal Criminal.
Attorney Mike Chase, behind the popular @CrimeADay Twitter feed, talks about his new book, How to Become a Federal Criminal.
Mike Chase, the man behind the popular @CrimeADay Twitter feed, on his new book, How to Become a Federal Criminal
A wild-animal preservation program has become a scheme for corralling captive beasts that bother cattle ranchers.
Such predictions were wrong half a century ago, and this one is likely mistaken too.
It's fair to take the cops' account with a grain of salt.
Common sense wins out...sort of.
The Agricultural Research Service announced that it would no longer be using cats for research purposes.
The 12-year-old cat couldn't live out the rest of her days in peace.
It's now legal to own one of the spiky creatures.
It would have been better to let the sport fail on its own.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Note: Undocumented immigrants are not wild animals.
The punishment would certainly not fit the crime.
"I'm treated no differently from a common felon on parole."
But she never should have faced criminal charges in the first place.
Tammie Hedges is facing upward of a dozen charges related to the medical care she freely provided to the animals.
Thousands of cats have been killed over 50 years of experiments. Why is the USDA denying feline fatality FOIA requests?
"The days of strolling into the zoo unwatched will eventually come to an end."
Two pieces of legislation from Virginia lawmakers target animal research.
Sorting out truth from gossip and rumor in Michael Wolff's new book.
Two states attempt to dictate how farmers outside their boundaries treat their animals.
Peak goat is finally achieved as goat yoga appears in a taxpayer-subsidized, goat-themed baseball stadium.
The USDA just dumped Obama administration's proposed ridiculous biotech crop regulations; the FDA should quickly follow suit.
Worry-warts and rivals team up to impose bureaucratic hurdles on animal-rescue volunteers.
An entrepreneur has a plan to save the rhinos from poachers, but environmental groups hate his idea.
Bill approved without a single "neigh," but lawmakers call "woah" on full repeal and plan to trot out new rules next year.
Of course. State board says she has to go to veterinary school to learn something she already knows and the schools don't teach.
"If DNA is a drug, then all life on Earth is high."
Some states bar people from harvesting dead animals. But Montana has gotten good results from lifting its ban.
Fomenting another useless moral panic over biotechnology
Scientists are trying to achieve just this goal, but some ethicists are opposed to the research
Private, market-based solutions less likely to end with the killing of animals.
How mangled terminology impairs America's gun debates
Done right, paid hunts for endangered animals can be a huge boon for conservation
Restoring the herds and landscape seen by Lewis and Clark
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