Cheerios Maker General Mills Knuckles Under to Vermont's Mandatory GMO Labeling
Just another stupid regulatory cost with no discernible benefits to people
Just another stupid regulatory cost with no discernible benefits to people
Farmers would have to plow down an area roughly equal to Connecticut.
Activists hope that consumers will misinterpret GMO ingredient taglines as "warning" labels
A debate over biotechnology previews the regulatory innovation that could stop innovation
Preliminary forensic analysis suggests intentional data manipulation
New Years Resolution: Stop putting your kids and other people at risk
A raving anti-tech activist's conspiracy theory about Chipotle's recent E. coli outbreaks.
Anticipating the amazing innovations made possible by CRISPR
Activists decry failure to adhere to technology-killing precautionary principle
It only took 20 years to obtain bureaucratic permission
How regulators in league with crony capitalists stymie technological advancement.
Enjoy the delicious schadenfreude
Remember the great penis scare of the 1990s?
Bailey responds to the criticism below
Neurotracking, video games, laughing rats, brainwave sniper training, robot love, and a "pernicious libertarian"
Terrific Slate article agrees with what Reason has been reporting for years now.
Top story at Drudge is CBS article promoting discredited activist claims about electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
Voluntary GMO labeling will express religious views and strictures much like halal and kosher labels do now.
The food chain tries to profit from anti-biotech propaganda
Bioethicists and scientists who say otherwise are wrong.
Legislators and judge fall for anti-biotech disinformation campaign
Neo-Malthusians again predict doom to celebrate Earth Day 45
Not a shred of scientific evidence supports his ranting
WaPo editors counter anti-biotech activist's disinformation campaign
Anti-GMO types are ecstatic over regulatory ruling that the herbicide is a probable human carcinogen.
We don't, say the bioluddites over at Friends of the Earth and Consumers Union
Now watch the bioluddites swarm out of the policy woodwork.
Genetically modified mosquitoes combat disease
European Food Safety Authority finds "no consumer health risk from bisphenol-A exposure."