ministhehunt | Blumhouse

The Hunt

Right-wing critics, filled with outrage, missed the point of this movie entirely: You're not really supposed to be rooting for the hunters or the deplorables.


minisagency | Berkley


Author William Gibson toys with the personhood of an artificial intelligence and what might have happened if recent American political history had played out differently.


minissecondhand | Bloomsbury Publishing


Adam Minter's book reminds us that a lot of "value is created when less affluent people are given the opportunity to parse the goods of the wasteful affluent."


minis2K-Gamesus | 2K Games

Borderlands 3

In Borderlands 3, you take on a murderous cult worshiping a cruel, vain deity who demands that her minions attack others, sacrifice themselves, and constantly sing her praises.


minisgoldenrice | John Hopkins University Press

Golden Rice

Golden Rice has potential to help millions of people in developing countries, but government regulators, the UN, and anti-GMO activists have gotten in the way.



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