Court Feels "Compelled to Express … Dismay at [SUNY Buffalo's] Cavalier Attitude Toward Petitioner's Due Process Rights"

"We remind respondent -- and all other colleges and universities, particularly state-affiliated institutions -- of their unwavering obligation to conduct student disciplinary proceedings in a manner that comports with fundamental notions of due process for the accused, that renders determinations consistent with the facts, and that respects the presumption of innocence to which all students are entitled."

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

Is Membership in a Conservation Organization Proof of Criminal Intent to Harm Cattle?

Prosecutors in southern Utah have argued that they can prove that the closing of a corral gate was the crime of attempted wanton destruction of livestock by pointing to a defendant's membership in a conservation organization. Today I argue to the Utah Court of Appeals that it should review the First Amendment implications of the prosecutors' maneuver.

|The Volokh Conspiracy |


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