Decriminalization Is the Only Feminist, Humane Response to Prostitution, Says Human-Rights Group Amnesty International
Group calls on governments worldwide to stop the criminalization of sex work
Group calls on governments worldwide to stop the criminalization of sex work
His new organization, Generation Freedom, will "press the next President to make human trafficking a top priority" with a significantly higher budget.
Why a ban on the development of lethal autonomous weapons now is premature.
Dictator makes incredible claim a day after scores of dissidents were arrested.
If millennials really do dig socialism, there's a museum of it just 90 miles south of Miami.
Granting "amnesty" supposes that a wrong was committed. But an immigrant without papers has done nothing wrong.
When it comes to legal immigrants and drug policy, you are guilty until proven innocent.
When it comes to legal immigrants and drug policy, you are guilty until proven innocent.
Feminist icon holds human rights in the highest regard-as long as they're for the right kind of people.
Amnesty International offices around the world to be targeted this month in protest of AI's support for decriminalizing sex work.
A Reason event on prostitution, sex trafficking, and the law
Hundreds of human-rights orgs, sex workers, and allies kindly ask Lena Dunham et al. to STFU about prostitution.
An attack on free speech is a greater blasphemy than is an insult to the divine.
Warbots might actually behave more morally than soldiers.
Looking at Freedom House's data from the perspective of individuals instead of states
President Obama cannot undo the mess his predecessor created by his fixation on torture.
The dumb debate about Obama's absence from a Paris rally
Sixth Annual Oslo Freedom Forum, a human rights conference actually organized by people who believe in human rights.
The law prohibits providing material assistance to a terrorist organization, which is what Obama did in releasing five untried Taliban leaders.
The roots and consequences of a deception.
Says accusations unfounded, recommendations "divorced from reality"
Presumably panel also determined that water is wet
The world is watching the nation's unpredictable anti-gay actions
Making sense of the latest Freedom House report.
First ruling in favor of a victim of the Pinochet regime
Risk their own jobs and public backlash
If you couldn't laugh you'd cry
Awarded by the European Parliament
Forced labor and lack of rights for women cited
Saudi Arabia and Chad join, despite concerns by human rights groups
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