Gun Rights
Great News: ATF Backs Down (For Now) on Big Ammo Ban
Agency admits "the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical" of the plan
How to Count the Defensive Use of Guns
Neither survey calls nor media and police reports capture the importance of private gun ownership.
Cody Wilson, Pioneer of Homemade 3D Printed Guns, Calls Out Another Company For Refusing to Do Business with Him
Offers $15,000 Bounty for Anyone Who Can Deliver Him a MarkForged carbon-fiber 3D Printer.
Are Gun Accidents More Dangerous Than Bathtubs to Kids? Depends on the Definition of "Kids"
The politicization of "fact checking" in media and that Daily Show List of Fox Lies
Why Not Blame Gun and Drug Laws for Rapper Bobby Shmurda's Legal Troubles?
Because throwing shade at capitalism is easier.
ATF Tries to Ban Common Rifle Ammo As "Armor-Piercing" Despite Its Own Statutory Definition
Gun rights community sees a disturbing ongoing crackdown on common ammo availability via ATF fiat.
Liberals Right That Guns Won't Stop Campus Rape, Wrong About Much Else
Liberals say guns won't mitigate college rape, and they're right. But affirmative consent won't help, either.
72-Year-Old Former Schoolteacher Faces 10 Years in Prison for Possessing 18th Century Antique Pistol
New Jersey's draconian gun laws and mandatory minimum sentences converge.
Sandy Hook Report Demands 'Gun Restraining Orders'? But What About Pointed Sticks?
Threats of violence are already illegal, so shouldn't you focus on the people issuing them?
Cop Sees Teen with Fake Gun, Shoots Different Kid, Kindly Declines to Arrest Them (for Now)
Authorities still weighing options
Federal Judge Strikes Down Federal Interstate Handgun Transfer Ban
Major victory for Second Amendment proponents.
Student Had Permission to Bring Fake Gun to School, Police Came Anyway
Can't be too careful, eh?
Nanny Bloomberg Says Black Kids Can't Be Trusted with Guns
He can't be trusted to respect citizens' rights.
"Snowball Fight/Gun" Video is Misleading, Says New Rochelle PD
Police Commissioner claims officers were responding to a 911 call reporting a teen with a gun.
Watch: Suburban NY Cop Points Gun at Kneeling Teens After Snowball Fight
The teens were frisked, no weapons were found.
Let Slip the Robots of War
Lethal autonomous weapon systems might be more moral than human soldiers.
Only Police Should Have…Body Armor?
Why not ban strong locks on doors, while we're at it?
Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Wants to Confiscate All Guns With Detachable Magazines
The governor's advisers say it's not their job to worry about the Constitution.
NY Sheriff to Constituents: Keep Your Handguns and Toss the Permit Applications
Mass defiance of the new permit process is another monkey wrench tossed in the works.
Obama Invites a Symbol of Emotion-Driven Gun Control to His SOTU Address
Citing horrific acts of violence to push policies that have nothing to do with them
Charlie Hebdo Attack Demonstrates That Laws Don't Disarm Terrorists (But Screw the Rest of Us)
France's gun controls mean only that weapons are unavailable to the innocent, leaving them at the mercy of predators.
Making Colorado Safe for Guns and Pot
A planned initiative would challenge federal prohibitions on marijuana smokers' right to carry guns
Virginia's New Gun Control Proposals Won't Protect Public Safety
Most Second Amendment restrictions take rights away from people who don't commit crimes and never will.
The Newtown Families' Lawsuit Ignores Fact That Vast Majority of AR-15s Are Used Responsibly
Gun control advocates fighting "assault weapons" have two formidable enemies: the law and experience.
Is Concealed Carry a Privilege or a Right?
California files appeal to court's latest pro-gun-rights decision